Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 250th edition of the open forum!
Did you know we have the forum up and running, you can check it out at the official CHU Forum site, go over and sign up.
As always we also want to hear about your weekly pickups.
So, What were your pick ups?
Light week for me. I’ll pick up a batman and a Immortal Hulk #16 2nd and that’s about it. Ah, not to overdoing it feels nice!
Nothing grinding poyo’s gears this week? I had a real grinder this week….
I sat and stared at my computer screen Sunday morning for about two hours and had nothing.. so next week more than likely. 🙂
What was your grinder?
Ah…just players in sports fund raiser
charity tournaments that feel the need to cheat to win…in my case kicked me in the ankle from behind away from the play so I missed the remainder of the tourney. That was Saturday…still can’t put much weight on my foot. Totally intentional…waited till the ref wasn’t watching and came from behind.
Dirty. That is damn dirty.
multiple copies of dead end kids and coffin bound for me.
Wow!!!!! Absolute Carnage was a ride to remember from cover to cover and confirmed what I suspected about the FCBD issue. 3 Hours until the Midnight Release parties kick off on the East Coast!!!!
Yes BJ, both the SPiderman and the Avengers FCBD will be in semi demand as people want to see how and where it began. I dont see them jumping in value to much though.
Hydramobile is almost done after a year of my husband throwing money at a Chrysler 300.
Post pictures
My pickups tonight: Savage She-Hulk #1, Swamp Thing #1, and Marvel Spotlight #28
Now that is one great batch of pick ups! Gratz! All three are such great books (without or without the spec status).
I was excited.
How much did you pay for the SSH1, Tony? And what grade would you give it?
It’s a 7.0. I paid like $50. I checked against eBay prices and was happy with it. It was there, I wanted it.
The books you want are the best ones to spend your money on. I have 2 SSH1 newsstands that are heading off to CGC soon. They are potential 9.8 contenders.
I am probably gonna grade these to preserve them.
Does anyone have an idea of the print run for Batman 608 2nd printing? I’d like to know which is larger, Batman 608 2nd print or Batman Hush Double Feature 608-609. The Double Feature is listed on Comichron but I can’t find the 2nd print. Thanks.
What was the run on the double feature?
They don’t break it down for 2nd printings and it appears both 1st and 2nd may have shipped the same month as well as at least 3 Special Editions mixed in the printing numbers as well.
607 shows 46,527
608 shows 120,945
609 shows 101,681
Since 607 and 609 don’t have 2nds I can see or variants that puts 608 1st print somewhere in that range between those two numbers most likely.
Great week of pick ups!
Star Wars #69 (Action Figure Variant)
Dceased #4 (Movie Poster Homage)
Babyteeth #15 (feels like a ton of time since the last book-I wonder what’s been keeping Cates from this gig?)
Die #6
Coffin Bound #1
Spec pick ups this week:
Dead End Kids #1 (2 copies)
Silver Surfer #81 and #82 ($3 each)
The Boys #7 and #71 ($6 each)
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #5 (cover price)
Good hunting everyone!
Picked up:
Eternals 5 for $1 at an antique store.
Kicking myself for not attending the Dead End Kids/Manor Black signing at my lcs this weekend. I was gearing up instead to see David J from Bauhaus/Love & Rockets DJ later that night.
Nice. I would love to see David J. You get all the good shows out there
David J had a signing for $35. I didn’t do it but now I realize I have signatures of all of Bauhaus except David J. Doh!
I have Peter Murphy’s
I love Peter Murphy. Saw him and Nine Inch Nails back in the day.
I have Trent Reznor auto too. Pretty much all the “Goth” autographs, Siouxsie Sioux, Andrew Eldritch, Joy Division, Full band Marilyn Manson x2 one with Daisy Berkowitz and one with Zim Zum, Peter Steele, Full band White Zombie even have his wife’s autograph, and Korn full band.
Nice pick up!..It really wasn’t all that long ago when Eternals were in just about every antique mall that sold comics. For the longest time nobody wanted them.
Any official word for why Gotham Girl is now dressing like Robin including the utility belt she seems to have no need for?
She is not. She is still Gotham girl.
Gotham Girl dressed as Gotham Girl

Gotham Girl dressed in a Robin Like knockoff costume with utility belt

Now let’s try the question again since it should now be visually apparent that she is dressing in a Robin like costume.
“Any official word for why Gotham Girl is now dressing like Robin including the utility belt she seems to have no need for?”
Since they still refer to her, Batman does, Gotham Girl does, and other characters do, refer to her as Gotham Girl, it makes her Gotham Girl. Joker has dressed as Robin before but no one called him Robin.
Did I ask why she was calling herself Robin? I believe if you check the wording the question is why is she wearing a Robin Like costume. Is there any official reason for the switch? She’s being drawn in Robin llike outfit and in postions normally occupied by a Robin. That doesn’t make her robin yet but doesn’t answer the question of why the change in behavior, roles and costume.
BJ I am not trying to be argumentative with you so I don’t know why the hostility towards me. Yes there is a very clear reason why. It’s clearly an elseworlds story.
I have no interest in being argumentative either. I thought it was a very simple question. It’s a very distinct Robin Like costume she’s changed into and out of the blue after several years of hardly any usage she shows up acting like a Batman sidekick. I’m not sure what this elseworlds thing is but if you’re saying this is one of those alternate multiverse stories not taking place in mainline DC continuity then that would be a fine explanation. It’s a different universe or dream or something. I quit reading after the wedding fiasco and this change has me interested in starting again, especially if it’s going to lead to someone new going by robin since Damion seems to be busy all the time with the Teen Titans and Super Sons. I think it’s a brilliant sounding move to have a new young sidekick actually be more powerful than Batman if that is where this story line is heading.
The Batman is Flash Point Batman, Thomas Wayne and not Bruce and the Gotham Girl retains her name and has her G on the chest. Two issues ago when this started I would have argued she was a new Robin and almost posted it as such until I read the issue to see that she was still Gotham Girl in a different costume.
“It’s a very distinct Robin Like costume she’s changed into and out of the blue after several years of hardly any usage she shows up acting like a Batman sidekick.”
And I suppose every genius billionaire with a goatee is Tony Stark right? SMH…
“Now let’s try the answer again” no official word of her being anything besides Batman’s side kick who still goes by the name “Gotham Girl” Captain Atom even called her that lying in the hospital bed after she kicked the crap out of him.
Not questioning the name she uses, just the reason for the costume change and behavior that has her acting as a Batman like sidekick.
This appears to be an on going dream type story. Like an elseworlds.
She makes the cover of 77 also in a very Robin Like costume with pose. Hopefully this is going somewhere and fun to travel the road to.
Cover is even calling them the “New Dynamic Duo.”
That’s great. But this does appear to be an elseworlds story. Until she takes the mantle of Robin she isn’t robin.
“That’s great. But this does appear to be an elseworlds story. Until she takes the mantle of Robin she isn’t robin.”

I never once said she was. They are just doing everything they can to portray Gotham Girl in that roll which I’m trying to understand why and if this is going to be an ongoing thing since it’s going at least 3 issues in a row. It seems like a great move to keep up with Marvel’s waves of feminizing heroes to have a new take on Robin in a female roll and more powerful than batman. I had a mother in yesterday asking for something her 12 year old daughter might like and maybe this can be added to the list of possible areas of positive role models and choices. She left with Unbeatable Squirrel Girl and Black Cat. Wonder Woman didn’t wow and Harley has a bad girl image mom wasn’t wanting to reinforce. I ordered extra batman 77’s just in case this is going to have something lasting come from it with or without a name change.
The dialogue on this page has me thinking Batman’s asked her to be “like Robin, but BETTER” but that doesn’t appear to be Batman, I’m taking that as being Batman’s father? Either way, if there’s a chance she’s staying around like this the book goes back on the read list and maybe has me letting some mothers know to pick it up.
I hope she does stay around. Not sure if you know it but your tone from the beginning has been combative with my answers. You asked a question, I answered, you clearly didn’t like the answer to the question. No she is not robin. Is she a side kick, yes, absolutely. But this does appear to be an elseworlds or dream type story. All Batman issues lately have taken place in a dream world. Go look at the Batman interactions with Gordon for example. You can clearly see it’s another reality and not the DCU proper.
“You asked a question, I answered, you clearly didn’t like the answer to the question.”
The question I asked wasn’t answered until later. The answers provided were to questions I hadn’t asked. It’s like I said before, I haven’t been reading the Batman stories since the wedding to know what’s in this reality or that. I’ve never read any of these Elseworld stories you keep mentioning which is fine since you say they aren’t in continuity. They’re still interesting and something that while it lasts has my attention. Hopefully something good comes from this.
75, 76 and 77 are clearly part of this Elseworld thing you talked about. Which other issues should we ignore? Is this going to end soon and get back to regular reality? Do you think outside of the spec community, do you think this gets received positively and incorporated in the future into something inside the regular continuity thing? I would love to have something positive bring fans back to Batman that left. If it’s a cool new take with a female hero that’s welcome as well. I can see this already spawning a few new toys and statues. I just got the DC GALLERY DARK KNIGHT RETURNS BATMAN & CARRIE DLX with the other female dressed like Robin in this week. It’d be welcome to see something new coming out from DC to hit the shelves.
BJ I do not understand your level of hostility towards me. I tried to answer your question and give you perspective on the character. Spec is about jumping the gaps to figure out the answer. If you like this spec there is nothing wrong with taking the leap. But I am discontinuing the conversation with you because of your hostility. Good day.
“I would say until Tom King finishes his run. This book has been kinda bad since issue 50. It’s a shame.”
The first 50 issues were the first time I’ve ever read Batman continuously. I read 51 and 52’s pdf’s and gave up. If he’d just let the wedding happen and last a few issues but there’s no denying he’s run away lots of readers and has sales down. Isn’t he getting fired or replaced? Which issue is going to be his last? I thought 75 was the new starting point but apparently not.
Dosnt matter if she calls herself robin, dick, jason or even “I am Batman”. Its an elseworld story, not apart of offical cannon or even the main earth or whatever they call it in DC. Stop trying to pump and dump the comic.
Her skirt was at the cleaners. Can’t go out naked.
Or can she…..?
Who’s pumping and dumping? I’m trying to figure out if this is going to be an ongoing positive thing.
” Its an elseworld story, not apart of offical cannon or even the main earth or whatever they call it in DC.”
So basically ignore the title beginning with issue 75 until how long? Is there a clear cut off point yet for when we can start buying Batman comics again that are taking place for real with lasting implications?
I would say until Tom King finishes his run. This book has been kinda bad since issue 50. It’s a shame.
Would be nice to see Gotham Girl’s first appearance in DC Universe Rebirth #1
kick in with some more demand..
Nothing for me today, not for a long time really. I just got tired of going to the shop’s and doing the Wednesday Warrior thing. I still have my pullbox at my main shop, my pullbox is 99% PC, and anything I’m spec’ing on I just try to pre-order.
It’s cool to take a break man. I didn’t hit my lcs this week because I wasn’t able to secure any of the hot books. My pulls will be there when I go next week
Picked up Agents of Atlas #1 the Wave cvr, Immortal Hulk #22, Absolute Carnage #1 A cvr, Tmnt #95 and House of X #2. Thats going to be a hot issue!
What’s going on HoX 2 that’s got you thinking it’s going to be hot?
What Hickman is doing with xmen story wise is exciting. 1st appearance also of a new mutant, guess she always was a mutant. But overall amazing writing.
#2 was another extra discounted to stores copy like #1 with plenty of qty ratio variants to chase so I don’t expect a tremendous drop off in the number of copies produced from #1 to 4. #3 is going to have similar numbers since it’s discounted and ratio carroted also.
Went on vacation, this bookstore had all these boxes of 70s thru present comics, wish I had more time, got Ultimate FF 21-23 for $1 each, can’t wait to go back, all comics were from $1 to $3 if I had the $.
Totally struck out.
Was away this weekend so when I got to my lcs today silver surfer 81/82 were gone, as well as spawn 61 and Captain Marvel #1 (2019).
No TMNT 95 2nd, or Dead End Kids.
I do have DCeased, Immortal Hulk and Batman in my pull waiting.
Ordered Canto 1 (2nd) and 2 online before FOC but the shop hasn’t shipped them yet.
My pick-ups this week included…
Batman – B
Deceased – Zombie Joker cvr
Deathstroke – B
Harley Quinn – A
Justice League – A
Absolute Carnage – Lim cvr and 2x 1:25 Dell Otto cvr – those were my favorites. I had mixed feelings about the Artgerm variant.
Black Cat – Lee cvr and 1:25 Bartel variant
Daredevil – A
House of X – A
Immortal Hulk – A & B
Marvel Comics Presents #6 2nd
Old Man Quill
Savage Avengers – Zaffino variant
Coffin Bound
Die – A
Dark Age – A
Dead End Kids
Canto #2 – A
Space Bandits – Lopez variant
TMNT #95 2nd
TMNT #96 – A
and The Love She Offered (which I had passed on last week).
I could not get Dead End Kids at my LCS or several other shops. I tried calling around too…stumbled upon it at a shop I infrequently visit & decided to hit after taking an alternate route home. I tried to purchase the last 2 copies in addition to some other books, but when I got to the register, the shopkeeper would only sell me one copy of “spec books” (his words) even though there were no “limit one” signs on the shelf. I tried to explain I was getting the extra DEK for a friend (which was true), but he wouldn’t budge. Guess I will continue to visit him only sporadically.
I thought the Space Bandits #2 Lopez variant would ring up at 75 cents (as shown on the cvr) like the Chaykin #1 did, but no such luck…it was $3.99. And I expected the MCP #6 2nd print to ring up at $4.99, but the bar code scanned at $3.99…small bonus.
I also got some freebies today…Venom tattoos, another Spidey FCBD comic, and House of X Krakoa seeds. Anyone actually plant these seeds?!
I passed on Sinestro Yr. of the Villain, Major X #0 (95% reprint), and Sensational Spidey Self-Improvement…all $5 books…
just too much other product competing for my $. Happy with my overall haul. Will prioritize reading Dark Age, Dead End Kids, The Love She Offered and Canto (bought #1 2nd last week) to see what all the hype is about.
“I thought the Space Bandits #2 Lopez variant would ring up at 75 cents (as shown on the cvr) like the Chaykin #1 did, but no such luck…it was $3.99.”
It was in stock at mycomicshop yesterday for 75 cent.
Anyone have a clear starting point for where this Elseworlds stuff starts at in Batman? I haven’t been reading it but it appears the fake old Batman/not dead father person is in issue 74 thru 77 at least so I’m thinking this has been going on for a while. Where does it begin outside of regular continuity?
Don’t you own a shop with comics? Go dig in the back issues.. 😉
I never rule it out but I didn’t buy myself copies of these issues after #50 so I’d rather not deplete the store stock needlessly if I can just order the exact back issues needed from Diamond to catch up with this one story/arc. 75 thru 77 look like locks for me wanting to own reader copies of. Prior and after I’m not sure about. It’s about a 2 week turn around from ordering right now to having them arrive so I’d like to order all of them at the same time as opposed to dragging it out over a month or more.
That Ultimate Spider-man kid was in again yesterday refusing to look at Absolute Carnage because he thinks there might be little boxes referencing things that happened in other issues. I think his mother was more interested than him but he got too fussy until she gave up and left without it. I understand a little about having that wanting to sit down and read it all without having to chase down other stuff from other books but he appears to be the most extreme case I’ve met yet. I’m thinking if we can determine where this Elseworlds thing starts at then it should make for a clean starting point to have it all bundled together for those who want it all. I generally only stock 1 or 2 extra copies of Batman since the sales tanked after 50.
This article was an enlightening read also but they didn’t really portray it as an Elseworlds or dream like state. The Pscho-Pirate angel though could maybe explain her actions and choice of bird like costume.
U should have offered him the fcbd spiderman and avengers toncomplete the ensamble
Thoughts on Rebecca Rikki Barnes being the Rebecca from Future Foundation #1? No spec there I expect but maybe some new interest in Captain America #1?
It is her, she’s BACK and by name in issue #2’s advance pdf!!!! Fun issue so far.
Is there a CHU option in the planning for showing all these animated things on one page without all the annoying loading problems at the evil place?
THANK YOU!!!!!! Very Helpful. I’m still waiting myself for the page over there to load!!!
Is the animation working I can’t tel on my phone
Working beautifully!!!
It might be worthy of some front page treatment closer to FOC’s starting up, especially if the blink rate would slow down a second or two to give the eyes more time to focus on each cover. Great work there.
Noticing Hawkman Who Laughs. Shazam Who Laughs & Supergirl Who Laughs makes 3 known so far. Wasn’t there supposed to be 6 infected? I hope they don’t kill off Hawkman again. They just brought him back and I’ve been enjoying the story so far.
Who’s the baby on JUSTICE LEAGUE #35 cover?
Marvel just gave away the advance to FF14 but skipped 13 which would have had the Hulk Thing fight. Interesting start to a new adventure but not the same level of action 13 should provide.
Immortal Hulk 23, cover to cover action and another last page shocker. Don’t see anything really spec, just good reading.
I think the record for most posts by one post-er in a Wednesday thread has officially been broken, lol!
My pick-ups this week:
Batman #76 (Cover A Tony S. Daniel)
Batman #76 (Cover B Gabriele Dell’Otto Card Stock Variant)
DCeased #4 (Of 6)(Cover C Tasia M.S. Card Stock Horror Movie Homage Variant)
Green Lantern #10 (Cover B Kaare Andrews Card Stock Variant
Justice League #29 (Cover B Terry Dodson & Rachel Dodson)
Sinestro Year Of The Villain #1
Aero #2 (Cover A Keng)
Agents Of Atlas #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Jung-Geun Yoon)
Immortal Hulk #22 (Cover A Alex Ross)
Savage Avengers #4 (Cover A David Finch)
Star Wars #70 (Cover A Phil Noto)
Passed on Absolute Carnage #1 due to the price, but may pick it up since it sounds like it could be good.