Poyo’s Trade and Hardcover Picks of the Week

Seems every week there’s a new war related graphic novel that hits shelves. I’m going to go broke if they keep doing this to me.

Stalingrad Letters from the Volga Graphic Novel

Stalingrad. From August 1942 to February 1943 this model industrial city, bathed by the waters of the Volga, was home to the bloodiest battle of World War II.

Stalingrad: Letters from the Volga offers a fast-paced depiction of this titanic struggle: explicit, crude, and without concessions-just as the war and the memory of all those involved demands.

Military and civilians alike paid with their lives for the personal fight between Stalin and Hitler, which materialized in long months of primitive conflict among the smoking ruins of Stalingrad and its surroundings.

Take a chronological tour of the massacre, relive the fights, and feel the drama of trying to survive in a relentless hell of ice and snow.

War is ugly and these are reminders of what some experienced.

Last week I mentioned Unknown Soldiers in which I hope to have a nice review up once I find some quiet time to sit and read it. So stick around for that hopefully in the coming days.

That’s this weeks trade and hardcover picks.

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3 thoughts on “Poyo’s Trade and Hardcover Picks of the Week”

  1. I’ve got all 54 issues of Saga and I’m also behind way behind on reading them. I’m not sure if I’ll keep in my pullbox for the next 54 issues I haven’t decided yet.

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