Really…a hook? Does anyone in 1st world countries use a hook as a prosthetic now…much less 12 years from now…?
I can get on board with the bitten by a radioactive spider thing…but im supposed to Buy into Spider-Man/Mr. science nerd opted for a hook??
I would totally get a hook if I lost a hand or arm.. I’d also dress like a pirate everywhere too cause I could get away with it.. since I have a hook as a hand.
Someboy calls Tom DeFalco and tell him he was plagiarized.
God, even the last scene is the same from Spider-Girl #0.
Very similar to Superman Lois and Clark , when Jon Kent discovers his Pops cape.
So it’s official, Disney’s going to tank Spider-Man now that they’ve lost the movie rights.
What timeline/Earth is this supposed to be set in ?
In defined.
It doesn’t matter which part of the Marvel Multiverse this is.
If the character proves popular Marvel can move him right over to the 616 via the Dimensional Travel Watch from Web Warriors #1,
Ask Spider-Gwen & Miles.
That is true.
Have you read the book ? It takes place in the future. So a ” Dimensional Travel Watch” wont help. You need a ” Time Travel Watch”. The spec is dead on this book
In the future but also another universe. It’s not the 616.
How does that kill spec potential? I would think that would revolve around what’s done with the boy in the future including animated tv and movie type adaptions. Even 616 usage isn’t out of the question. They time travel people into the 616 all the time from alternate future timelines. Maybe you’ve heard of Rachael Summers aka Scott and Jeans kid? That is absolutely an alternate future timeline hero crossed into the current 616. There’s just not enough in this one issue to identify the exact alternate future timeline yet. The death of Mary jane and dehanding of Peter take place when Ben’s maybe 3 to 5 years old, old enough to be standing at the funeral. That places it at least 3 to 5 years after May Parker’s last appearance in Spider-verse although that story had her saving baby Ben, I believe it also had Peter and MJ killed which would need another explanation if that’s the case to tie it to this ben 3 to 5 years later. I need to see those stories to be sure although Mr Abrams may not have been aware of them at the time of writing this story since he’s new to comics.
As of Spidergeddon #5 it appears both parental Parkers are alive now.
“Afterwards, it is revealed that The Other has resurrected Mayday’s father back on her own world[19]”
At this point there’s not enough definitive information to rule out any possibility. Maybe the solicitation for #4 next week in the new Preview book will shed some light but it appears to be solicitations designed to misdirect so far.
Looks like Parker stole Rick Grimes hook. I mean he doesn’t need it anymore.
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Really…a hook? Does anyone in 1st world countries use a hook as a prosthetic now…much less 12 years from now…?
I can get on board with the bitten by a radioactive spider thing…but im supposed to Buy into Spider-Man/Mr. science nerd opted for a hook??
I would totally get a hook if I lost a hand or arm.. I’d also dress like a pirate everywhere too cause I could get away with it.. since I have a hook as a hand.
Someboy calls Tom DeFalco and tell him he was plagiarized.
God, even the last scene is the same from Spider-Girl #0.
Very similar to Superman Lois and Clark , when Jon Kent discovers his Pops cape.
So it’s official, Disney’s going to tank Spider-Man now that they’ve lost the movie rights.
What timeline/Earth is this supposed to be set in ?
In defined.
It doesn’t matter which part of the Marvel Multiverse this is.
If the character proves popular Marvel can move him right over to the 616 via the Dimensional Travel Watch from Web Warriors #1,
Ask Spider-Gwen & Miles.
That is true.
Have you read the book ? It takes place in the future. So a ” Dimensional Travel Watch” wont help. You need a ” Time Travel Watch”. The spec is dead on this book
In the future but also another universe. It’s not the 616.
How does that kill spec potential? I would think that would revolve around what’s done with the boy in the future including animated tv and movie type adaptions. Even 616 usage isn’t out of the question. They time travel people into the 616 all the time from alternate future timelines. Maybe you’ve heard of Rachael Summers aka Scott and Jeans kid? That is absolutely an alternate future timeline hero crossed into the current 616. There’s just not enough in this one issue to identify the exact alternate future timeline yet. The death of Mary jane and dehanding of Peter take place when Ben’s maybe 3 to 5 years old, old enough to be standing at the funeral. That places it at least 3 to 5 years after May Parker’s last appearance in Spider-verse although that story had her saving baby Ben, I believe it also had Peter and MJ killed which would need another explanation if that’s the case to tie it to this ben 3 to 5 years later. I need to see those stories to be sure although Mr Abrams may not have been aware of them at the time of writing this story since he’s new to comics.
As of Spidergeddon #5 it appears both parental Parkers are alive now.
“Afterwards, it is revealed that The Other has resurrected Mayday’s father back on her own world[19]”
At this point there’s not enough definitive information to rule out any possibility. Maybe the solicitation for #4 next week in the new Preview book will shed some light but it appears to be solicitations designed to misdirect so far.
Looks like Parker stole Rick Grimes hook. I mean he doesn’t need it anymore.