Alright, I usually try to keep these FOC picks to just one book but I got a few for this week.
First up is the Ghost Rider #1 2nd Printing. Just a great Kuder variant of Ghost Rider on his bike.
I also need to add another Ghost Rider book as it’s FOC is this Monday the 14th as well.
That goes to the 1:10 Ratio Variant of Ghost Rider #2 which is the very awesome Clayton Crain Variant. Just a sweet cover if you ask me. I would literally buy 10 regular covers just to make sure I get this one in the collection. TFAW has these for $7.99 currently, which isn’t a bad price if you ask me.
Now the last pick goes to the new Venom Hulk, which is the second printing of Absolute Carnage Immortal Hulk #1. It’s not a first for this new character but it’s still a pretty cool cover.
There were a few others that caught my attention but I had to limit it, as I really try to leave it to just one pick to rule them all each week. I just couldn’t help myself this week. I’ve been yearning for some awesome Ghost Rider covers.
TFAW sold out of the GR 2 1:10….went to use my $5 voucher and denied.
Probably one or two people cleaned them out at that price…everywhere else is $15-$20.
Yeah, I’d imagine with pre-orders on a 1:10 they might of set it to a maximum qty they’re willing to buy since they have to buy 10 copies per pre-order of those.