Runners-Up for 12/9/19

As promised, the Runners-Up list, think of these as the second part of the Top 20. Now then, on to #11-20.

#11 Incredible Hulk #181 (Marvel, 1974) Yep, first full Wolverine seems like a good book to own (wink wink). It sold 10 copies, had a 7-day trend of 155% and had a high sale of $6,950 for a CGC 9.6.

#12 Harleen #1 (DC, 2019) This is a loose entry since this issue has a high cover price. Yet, it is trending lightly by selling 13 copies, had a 7-day trend of 105% and had a high raw sale of $13.

#13  Amazing Spider-Man #361 (Marvel, 1992) First full Carnage is a book you should own a copy of before the trailer for Venom 2 hits. It sold 12 copies, had a 7-day trend of 105% and had a high sale of $355 for a CGC 9.8.

#14 Uncanny X-Men #266 (Marvel, 1990) It’s nice to see Gambit back in the mix, both story-wise and market value. He sold 11 copies, had a 7-day trend of 113% and had a high sale of $326 for a CGC 9.8.

#15 Tales of the Teen Titan #44 (DC, 1984) Dick Grayson (aka Robin) will become Nightwing on the DC TITANS show. That should be awesome to see! This first appearance of Dick as Nightwing is in this issue. It sold 10 copies, had a 7-day trend of 122% and had a high sale of $125 for a CGC 9.6.

#16 Amazing Spider-Man #344 (Marvel, 1991) This is the first appearance of Cletus Kasady, right before he becomes Carnage. It sold 10 copies, had a 7-day trend of 116% and had a high sale of $45 for a CGC 9.6.

#17 Moon Knight #1 (Marvel, 1980) Fans are all jazzed up for some live-action Moon Knight. This first regular series sold 13 copies, had a 7-day trend of 86% and had a high sale of $280 for a CGC 9.8.

#18 Amazing Spider-Man #375 (Marvel, 1993) This issue is the first appearance of Ann Weying, aka Eddie Brock’s ex-wife. Ann returns to VENOM 2 and sold 12 copies, had a 7-day trend of 89% and had a high sale of $51 for a CGC 9.8.

#19 Venom Lethal Protector #4 (Marvel, 1993) Venom 1 set the table for the multiple symbiotes now running around. This issue is the first appearance of Scream, who’s thought to appear in VENOM 2. It sold 10 copies, had a 7-day trend of 105% and had a high sale of $100 for a CGC 9.8.

#20 Ms. Marvel #1 (Marvel, 1977) First appearance of Carol Danvers aka Ms. Marvel. You know this. It sold 11 copies, had a 7-day trend of 95% and had a high sale of $125 for a CGC 9.0.

12 thoughts on “ Runners-Up for 12/9/19”

  1. I bounced a theory off of one of the big boy comic sites leaders a month or two back.

    I’ve noticed less and less new books/#1’s hitting the top 20, and more copper and silvers, maybe even EARLY moderns (I like to dub it the Indy Age due to the image uprising, we really are on a new age at this point).

    Anyways. Maybe people are catching on or burnt out on all the media options and not buying anymore based on FOMO.


    Maybe this is more a Forums topic…

  2. I feel like I own everything I want to own barring something that’s $1000+ dollars. Don’t care about the news or the options anymore 1st appearances worth owning are covered so sit back and watch the stuff increase over and over. If an Indy is optioned don’t even care anymore for the book as I have a box of optioned garbage that does nothing. Outside of Umbrella Academy none of the new indie based shows havereally had a price increase after the show hits, most find their way back to worthless after the show is done or cancelled.

    1. Dont even care about 99 out of 100 new characters first appearance too. Think I’ve bought 4 new characters first books this year. Less than $2000 spent on comics this year, lowest in a decade.

      1. I’m buying less new comics than ever before…Been having fun getting some bronze keys I never had and filling holes in collections I want to finish.

    2. I’m buying almost zero indies that are or have been “optioned”. It has become more miss than hit with those. Unless it seems like a slam dunk to me I just put my collectible money towards books I actually want in the pc.

  3. Comics market can be volatile. Demand based on TV/film hype may fluctuate in the short term. Whereas demand for debuts of key characters tend to retain value longer? Successful speculation is taking advantage of what the market allows..

  4. The best opportunities are uncommon. When no new comic book is worth buying or selling, some back issues could attract attention.

  5. 8 out of 10 this week! Didn’t get the Harleen #1 and never got around to Ms. Marvel #1. Probably should get the Ms. Marvel #1 at some point to add to my bronze age keys. Sooo many other comics I want before it though. We’ll see.

  6. How is Avenging Spider-Man #9 doing value wise as compared to Ms Marvel 1? I’m guessing not good. I have no idea if it’ll hold long term value, but I can’t see it plummeting either.

  7. Ahhhh…. nevermind…. found it…. it’s $6950 for a “claim” that’ it’s CGC 9.6.
    It isn’t a slabbed copy.
    In fact its from a certain seller who….. well…. I won’t even go there.
    I’ll just say it justifies the closing sale value

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