Since came on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBaytrends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay
sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics: (Please note, potential spoilers do follow, and, these results are for auction that closed last week. )
#1 Miles Morales Spider-Man #13 (Marvel, 2019) Miles’s baby sister, Billie, is introduced in this issue. Word is Marvel “has plans”. Of course, they do. This sold 59 copies, had a 7-day trend of 294% and had a high raw sale of $30.
#2 Miles Morales Spider-Man #13 Rahzzah 2020 Variant (Marvel, 2019) Enter, a variant for Billie’s first appearance (as a baby). It sold 31 copies, had a 7-day trend of 194% and had a high raw sale of $20.
#3 Wolverine #1 (Marvel, 1988) We mentioned this recently as a book to watch… and here we are at #3 on the list! It sold 33 copies, had a 7-day trend of 112% and had a high raw sale of $80.
#4 The Incredible Hulk #258 (Marvel, 1981) Ursa Major (whose first appearance is in this issue) is rumored to appear in MCU’s BLACK WIDOW film. It sold 16 copies, had a 7-day trend of 162% and had a high raw sale of $35.
#5 Spider-Verse #1 Nauck Walmart Variant (Marvel, 2019) Many believe that Spider-Zero (first appearance in this issue AND on this Walmart Variant cover) just maybe an older version of Miles sister, Billie. It sold 25 copies, had a 7-day trend of 94% and had a high raw sale of $20.
#6 Moon Knight #1 (Marvel, 1980) It’s Moon Knight and people can’t wait for more Disney+ news on this confirmed title. It sold 23 copies, had a 7-day trend of 100% and had a high sale of $229 for a CGC 9.8.
#7 Death of the Inhumans #1 (Marvel, 2018) Donnie Cates recently mentioned this issue and that was enough for it to pick back up in sales. It sold 21 copies, had a 7-day trend of 111% and had a high raw sale of $10.
#8 Crisis on Infinite Earths #1 (DC, 1984) The big WB crossover event actually moved some books! It’s been said that WB new characters are dead. This and Star Girl are making people rethink that. It sold 13 copies, had a 7-day trend of 175% and had a high sale of $70 for a CGC 9.8.
#9 The Vision and the Scarlet Witch #1 (Marvel, 1982) This is the first appearance of Samhain, who’s thought to appear in the VISION SCARLET WITCH Disney+ show. It sold 13 copies, had a 7-day trend of 171% and had a high sale of $40 for a CGC 9.6.
#10 Star Wars #1 30 Cent Price (Marvel, 1977) Holy Smokes! $1K for a CGC 9.8? Wow! The new film and the awesome MANDALORIAN Disney+ have reignited key Star Wars titles. It sold 12 copies, had a 7-day trend of 152% and had a high sale of $1,000 for a CGC 9.8
just wish to seek clsrification – super solsiders first appearance is IH 257 but is major ursa’s first appearance IH 250 or 258? thoughts?
There’s times I feel as if I’m missing out because I’m an “old-timer” believing in Silver, Bronze, and some Copper. But then “Billie,, the younger sister of Miles” comes around and I realize I’m quite happy with my beliefs
I have been stacking key Bronze and silver books off of modern sales.
I’m with ya. I had that approach for the last 5 years also and it worked very well. However, the time and effort for staying on top of everything going on within the minute (literally) was just too much. It meant watching for the new weeks books. It meant researching pre-sales, It meant reading various boards and forums and facebook constantly to increase the likelihood of success. It meant getting stuff up on ebay due to it being time-based spec. In the end, that effort for $10 – $15 per book impinged on my life and I was finding it too much of effort for the “hourly wage” I calculated.
Silver/Bronze (generally) increases regardless of key or not as long as very high grade. There’s always a buyer for high grade. I am spending far less time on the ‘net and forums and my profits seem to be equal to what they were in the last 5 years. Just packaging 20 separate new comics @ $15 apiece is so much more work than packaging 1 high grade bronze/silver slab for an equivalent amount.
I just can’t do it anymore with the amount of time needed to stay on top.
I’ve played both sides and the one I’ve chosen now works better for me on time/effort/$$$
Yeah, i do it to acquire $$ to buy bronze keys mostly, or $$ to send in my PC books for grading. But since I’ve pretty much acquired all the books that are within my reach (the rest being “grails” in terms of what it’ll take to acquire them) I’ve really taken a step back on the Wednesday Warrior thing.
That and not being able to drive for the past few months also…
I try to dabble in both avenues you discussed, Bill. My problem with flipping the bronze books, in higher grade, is finding the supply. Where does one get cheap, plentiful, high grade bronze keys on the regular? I know there will be a few books to flip arriving with the new books every Wednesday, but I don’t know the next time I will run into a stack of high grade bronze keys.
The key word is high grade .. I look at an average of 3 collections a week, where the owner believes they have the Mother Load .. sadly, any book worth having is generally 4.0 or less .. people read those comics back in those days .. folded them up and stuck them in the back pocket, dragged them to other peoples houses, etc ..
Comics as a Commodity is a relatively newer phenom .. the higher grade old books have a finite number, period .. and most of those are already out there ..
Local comic shows is an excellent supply of high grade bronze. But NOT SDCC, NYCC, Baltimore, Emerald City, etc…
The key is to stay small, stay local, and go to a non-dealer at the small shows. Y’know – regular guys looking to downsize.
I tend to stay away from all big time dealers at any and all comic shows as they know what they have and they price them accordingly. Go to the small guy who is looking to unload.
Just my approach that has worked very well for me over the long haul
The big shows tend to be way over priced at that.
Abso-friggin-lutely they are WAY overpriced. In 35 years of collecting I don’t think I have ever purchased a comic from any big-time dealer. That’s a long time 🙂
Yeah they are. I stopped by a booth at NYCC when I saw a Moonknight first appearance which was probably in 5.0 to 6.0 grade and the guy wanted 2k or so, not even slabbed. I can get a 8.0 for $1800 off ebay currently.
A Baby Sitter and a Baby get the heat of the week .. OK ..