Let’s travel back to January of 1986, when it took Marvel 12 years to finally give this character his own title for the first time ever.
Debuting in Amazing Spider-Man #129, which is one of the most sought after key books in the Amazing Spider-Man run for a lot of collectors, we were introduced to The Punisher who has gone on to be a Marvel fan favorite.
That’s right, back in January of 1986 we got our first solo Punisher title with The Punisher #1.
This ran for 5 issues, from January to May of ’86. This was originally going to be a 4 issue series but was extended to 5.
It wasn’t until July 1987, almost a year after the first limited series ended we got our first ongoing Punisher title with a new Punisher #1.
These early solo titles are still pretty affordable for most collectors. I know we’ve had several movies (let’s just not talk about those) and the more recent Netflix series which was pretty awesome but we’re seriously due for Punisher to enter the MCU I think. When that day happens, we could see some bumps in value for some of these earlier solo titles, which are essential to any Punisher fan.
That’s your Throwback Thursday for this week, which are usually just totally random picks. I try to just pick a year, look up the month we’re currently in and see what the heck was going on during that time frame. I’m hoping to make these more regular again, unless you all just hate them and want us to stop wasting your time with nonsense throwbacks.
Let us know in the comments if ya want. Tell us your favorite Punisher story or comic issue. Besides the main title, I was a huge fan of Punisher War Journal back in the day. I loved that title so much I even subscribed via snail mail back in the day so I didn’t have to pick them up from the local Eckerds and have them delivered right to my mailbox.
I like Throwback Thursday, I really hope you do them more often.
As for the Punisher, I’ve always been partial to The Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe. I thought it was a solid story and I’ve always wished it was a mini-series, so we could have more detailed encounters between Punny and the other Marvel characters as he kills them off.
I two want to see more of the punisher how he kills the marvel universe. I love the movie with Thomas Jane. Best one of the three
I only saw the first one. Not sure why I never saw the other two, maybe cause the first one was so awful… I might have to check ou the Thomas Jane one..
Yeah, I’ve missed doing them as well. So I’m hoping I can keep it up and keep pumping these out each week.
thuthrowback Thursday is nifty.always loved archie meets the punisher as well as war journal&daredevil @#257 punisher is the first comic I collected and the movies the first two are fun rides #testify blind adam out
I hope there is an mcu arrival of Punisher. The Netflix series was awesome. I didn’t hate the movies, they represent the period in which they were made. We can’t compare films from 12, 15, and 31 years ago to today’s standards. Viewers didn’t expect all the character depth in action films. We got a decent dose of that in the Netflix series. War Zone was pure PUNISHMENT! I don’t see an opening for Frank Castle in the original concept in what Disney is doing with Marvel. Earthbound, non-powered humans can only expect minor exposure. Let’s hope Marvel makes him as memorable as Clark Gregg’s Agent Coulson.
Black Widow and Hawkeye have zero super power abilities.. they did a pretty good job with them in the MCU.
Keep up the Throwback Thursday’s! Always fun to go down memory lane
Sweet, gonna try. Thanks for the feedback.
Hawkeye has been part of the avengers since 1965. He took up the mantle of Ronin for 1 scene. Black widow was a villain and then became an agent of s.h.i.e.l.d. And they didn’t even give her a funeral. lol. IMO, neither one were necessary in the story telling. Those characters were introduced early in small scenes and that could work for Punisher, but then what? Frank Castle hasn’t necessarily been a factor in any significant storyline so his intro would be just a move to make a standalone film or films. Whatever they do with the character, I’ll watch it. Disney probably isn’t big on Vengeance-based characters so they might change his story.
Hawkeye was originally a villain or more of a an antagonist as well when he debuted. I think a lot of people forget that as well. He didn’t stay classified as a villain for that long though, was like 3 total issues or so if I’m recalling correctly.
Punished In a Deadpool movie would be amazing!!!
I know Punisher is normally Rated R type violence but if done right could even be in a Spider-Man movie… I think they could pull it off!
Bring back Dolph Lindgren!!!!
Please no….