Welcome once again to my weekly spec and also the weekly drek. I pick what I think will be winners, not only if you make money by flipping but winners as in either a great read or just awesome art.
Then there’s the pesky drek, the comic you should avoid altogether or not fall into the buying every variant trap.
DC Picks
Not a whole lot going on for me in DC. Now I do like the variant for Dollhouse Family but I saved that one for the Variants Picks tomorrow night.
This weeks pick goes to Frison’s Wonder Woman #751 which gives us that classic looking Wonder Woman.
Marvel Picks
I already read this first pick and it was a great read. I really enjoyed it and looking forward to the rest of the series.
This first pick for Marvel goes to Nebula #1. I got one of the variants as a Variant Pick of the week scheduled for tomorrow as well.
The Ghost Rider fan in me has me picking this next one as a must check out.
Spirits Ghost Rider Mother of Demons #1
Buy from ZeusComics.com
Since the dawn of man, she has birthed the worst of humanity’s ills… Her kin call her mama while men curse her name: LILITH!
And when all the thrones of every netherworld are united, they shall call her by a new name: QUEEN.
With art by definitive GHOST RIDER artist ROLAND BOSCHI!
Indie and Small Publisher Picks
Not a whole lot in the small publisher and indie category, but here’s a few that could be good pickups for the read and who knows, could heat up.
Alienated #1 (of 6) (Cover B – Bengal)
Buy from ZeusComics.com
Acclaimed writer Simon Spurrier (John Constantine Hellblazer, Coda) and artist Chris Wildgoose (Batgirl, Batman: Nightwalker) present a subversive coming-of-age story about about having all the power to change the world but the unready hands to truly wield it.
Three teenagers, each an outcast in their own way, stumble upon an unearthly entity as it’s born. As they bond over this shared secret and the creature’s incredible abilities, it becomes clear to the teenagers that their cute little pet is a super-predator in the making – and it’s in need of prey. Guided by the best intentions at first, the teens’ decisions soon become corrupted by adolescent desires, small town jealousies, and internal rivalries, sending them into a catastrophic spiral of their own making.
This one already has a 2nd printing as well for issue #1. I think BOOM! puts out some good stuff but the whole fast track to new printings is getting kind of old if you ask me.
Undone by Blood #1
Buy from ZeusComics.com
In the early 1970s, Ethel Grady Lane returns to her hometown of Sweetheart, Arizona with one thing on her mind: killing the man who murdered her family. But first, she’ll have to find him. As Ethel navigates the eccentric town and its inhabitants, she learns that the quaint veneer hides a brewing darkness. She has no choice but to descend into a ring of depravity and violence, with her only ally an Old West novel that follows famed gunslinger Solomon Eaton.
As both stories unfold simultaneously, a love of fiction informs choices in reality, for better or worse. From the minds of Lonnie Nadler and Zac Thompson (The Dregs, X-Men, HER INFERNAL DESCENT) and artist Sami Kivela (Abbot, Tommy Gun Wizards) comes a neo-western that de-picts the hard truth of seeking vengeance in the real world.
Tartarus #1 (Cover A – Cole)
Buy from ZeusComics.com
SERIES PREMIERE! A new adventure series with all the sci-fi drama of Breaking Bad set in Mos Eisley!
Promising young cadet Tilde is framed for crimes against the empire after discovering her mother was the ruthless warlord of the deadly colony Tartarus, a vital player in the galactic war. Now, Tilde’s only way home may be to reclaim her mother’s dark crown.
#1 New York Times bestseller JOHNNIE CHRISTMAS (Alien 3) and artistic phenom JACK T. COLE (The Unsound) kick off this ongoing series with 44 big pages of story!
Now on with the dreaded “drek” pick, every writer and artist worst nightmare when it comes to selling their hard work. The book to avoid or not fall victim to in buying at ratio inflated prices.
All those stupid Gwen Stacy Variants mixed among all the Marvel Titles this week. Buy if you like but they’ll never be worth anything more than cover.
I agree about the theme covers, but actually bought the Black Cat 9 Gwen variant. It’s a pull title for me, and I liked it better than the JS Campbell reg cover. At least Black Cat was on the cover as well!
For sure, buy what you like, nothing wrong with that!
I’d say the Nakayama gamerverse Black Cat Strikes cover is probably the best Black Cat cover this week. I’d guess that the Robinson 1:25 Nebula is your variant pick, Poyo. Best cover I’ve seen of that character and wish I haven’t swapped with the 1:50 Andolfo.
I like hte Black Cat variant but it just didn’t stand out to me. I’ve been trying to keep the variants out of my picks now and into the Variant Picks I got scheduled for Tuesday nights.
Both variant covers for Harley/Ivy 6 sold out at TFAW. Something major revealed apparently. Flash 88 has new villain, variant sold out at TFAW. Just my 2 cents.
I thought it’s going to be Ivy with a new power.. unless it’s a first appearance, any heat won’t last long. That’s my two cents. I’m sure we’ll have spoilers tomorrow..
Not sold out at Midtown…they don’t even have a limit. My guess is TFAW aren’t going heavy on these card stock covers.
Also available at Golden Apple and Sanctum sanatorium.
I’ve noticed lately TFAW doesn’t stockpile books as well. Maybe they’re trying to go more minimal, order what’s pre-ordered, buy a few extra for online, rest are at the store. I can’t blame them, buy what you can sell or have sold is a good business practice. Buying stock just to stock the shelves that may never sell is a really bad approach in my opinion.
This is what my main LCS does – stock to sell. Makes the Wed Warrior quest harder with limited stock and for the variants or hot covers, you’ve got to be spending $100 a week to get the real goodies.
Makes economical sense though. Not everyone can be like Midtown and buy to stock your shelves for weeks, months and years to come. If I ran a shop, I’d definitely sell to order, with just a few for the stragglers and shelves.
Venom 23 Young Var for spec and Gutt Ghost for reading. Lite week.
Yeah, it’s a pretty light week for sure.