Welcome to my own weekly spec which includes the weekly drek picks. I pick what I think will be winners, not only if you make money by flipping but winners as in either a great read or just awesome art.
Then there’s the pesky drek, the comic you should avoid altogether or not fall into the buying every variant trap.
DC Picks
Another easy pick this week for DC goes to Batman #90. Quickly selling out at most online retailers that list early, pre-sales are already hitting the $30 range for this book that gives us the first full of The Designer, we all knew who was coming and made a cameo in Batman #89 which was a total surprise.
The other pick is where I think Tom King excels at and that is the limited maxi-series. This week Strange Adventures #1 hits stands and it’s a must checkout for sure.
Marvel Picks
Spider-Man Noir #1 kicks off a 5 issue mini-series. We need more Spider-Man Noir. If done right, could be a money maker for Marvel.
Strange Academy #1 is a new book I think that has Hulu or Disney+ show written all over it.
Magnificient Ms Marvel #13 is a limited 1 per customer book at Midtown. Is Midtown expecting the new Amulet character to take off or just giving customers a chance at a copy? TFAW doesn’t have any limits. We’ll have to wait and see. I’m not feeling it but it’s still a pick cause one can never be sure. First impressions I don’t see this new guy getting a solo title but might make a great companion hero to Ms Marvel.
Indie and Small Publisher Picks
This one I posted a sneak peek preview on Sunday it’s a must pick up for me.
Crow Lethe #1 Momoko regular cover is already sold out at Midtown. Still available at TFAW. She’s one of the hot artists currently. Like I said, like her work or don’t like it, you can’t deny she’s selling books.
Join the Future #1 hits stands this week and it’s a great read. Really looking forward to this new title and series.
King of Nowhere #1 is a new book out by the Ice Cream Man author from Image Comics which also adds the unique style of Tyler Jenkins art to this new BOOM! title.
This week is pretty big for the indie and small publishers. Don’t think they’re all be spec plays or pickups but more along the lines of great reads. I got one more and that’s Twin Worlds #1 from Action Lab.
Now on with the dreaded “drek” pick, every writer and artist worst nightmare when it comes to selling their hard work. The book to avoid or not fall victim to in buying at ratio inflated prices.
Dryad #1 from Oni is my drek pick this week.
I’m sorry, I lost faith in Kurtis J. Wiebe long ago and seriously, he just had to hand over Rat Queens to a whole new creative team just to start another title with another elves in it? Wiebe seems to start off strong and then abandons his stories. For that, long ago I coined the term “Wiebe’d” which is where the creator is their own worst enemy in dooming their own books and work.
Maybe this round he’ll prove me wrong but like I said, I’ve lost faith and I think this will ultimately be another Wiebe’d title..
My other Drek pick goes to Flash #750 Mattina Variant. Alex Garner made a good point about this guy using others works to create his own. I think it’s time we stop supporting Mattina. Tell these publishers they should not condone this for products they sell. The really sad part is, Mattina is talented and has enough talent he should be able to come up with his own poses.
You wrote “I think it’s time we start supporting Mattina” I think you meant stop, not start lol
Haha.. yeah. Stupid fingers got a mind of their own at times.
Too late. It’s already on the internet. You’re a Mattina lover. Hope you’re not planning to run for office at any point in your future….
Why would anyone want to run for public office? Those people are clearly not right in the head..
Isn’t that the truth.
It’s a “dirty” job, but someone has to do it….how come Mike Rowe never tackled that one??