BANG! BANG! A CHU Giveaway

That’s right, BANG! It’s a CHU giveaway. I didn’t have time to go back in time for Throwback Thursday as the flux capacitor won’t generate the 1.21 gigawatts so it’s in the shop this week.

Instead, we do a giveaway from a generous sponsor.

So what’s up for grabs in this giveaway?

Well, first prize is the BANG! #1 Ashcan.
The second prize is a copy of BANG! #1 Regular Cover.

But this giveaway is a little different and you have a chance at winning both. Scroll down to learn how!

So, the first prize which is the ashcan preview variant, the winner will be selected from comments here, on the main website. One comment per person to enter.

The second prize which is the regular Cover A is chosen randomly from the forums. So yeah, all you have to do is comment here on the main site and on the forums to try and win the second prize.

The thread to comment in the forums is at:

The Rules:

  1. One entry per person, per prize. Two total entries accepted, one here and one on the forums.
  2. No Purchase Necessary to enter.
  3. Use a valid email (in the email field, no one else can see it) as that’s how we contact you if you win (don’t worry, we don’t gather or sell you’re info on CHU).
  4. Entries open until this Sunday March 8th, 2020 at 19:00 CST.
  5. Winner will be randomly drawn from main comments and then randomly from the forum comments.
  6. If you are international, we ask you chip in for shipping. If you waive, we’ll pick another winner randomly.
  7. Winners will have 48 hours to claim their prize or we pick someone else.

Also, if your comment goes into moderation, don’t worry, we’ll get to it and it will be counted. Same goes for the forums, if you’re a new user, signups are moderated so be patient, we’ll get you approved to comment to enter.

Good luck!

73 thoughts on “BANG! BANG! A CHU Giveaway”

    1. Will not let me enter on the forum. Reset password twice and it still won’t let me in. Thanks for the giveaways anyway.

  1. Bang! You caught Back to the Future on Freeform the other night too huh AgentPoyo?

  2. I can’t be the only one that wonders what everyone looks like?! Just a random thought. I do have pictures in my head for some of you though. Kinda like a radio dj. Anyway good luck to everyone.

  3. “GREAT SCOTT! WHA… WHAT THE HELL IS A GIGAWAT!!!” Great reference– Great looking book & most of All – Great site & GREAT work! Always appreciate the chance.

  4. Bang bang, he shot me down
    Bang bang, I hit the ground
    Bang bang, that awful sound
    Bang bang, my baby shot me down

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