Since came on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBaytrends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay
sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics: (Please note, potential spoilers do follow, and, these results are for auction that closed last week. )
1. Star Wars Kanan #6 – Features the first full comic appearance of Sabine Wren. A total of 15 copies moved at an average of $15.50 raw.
2. THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #176 – I hate this book. First appearance of Corona, a villain bringing disease to New York City. Very topical, but just in bad taste Anyway, sold 37 copies with an average of $25.23 average raw price.
3. YEAR OF THE VILLAIN HELL ARISEN #3 – One of the last spec comics before the implosion. First full appearance of Punchline, still doing well. A total of 51 copies moved at an average of $32 raw
4. SPIDER-MAN 2099 #1 – Ongoing Spider-Man 2099 series. Looking at Into the Spider-Verse #2 for an appearance. Sold 20 copies at $7.99 average.
5. STAR WARS KANAN #1 – First cameo of Sabine Wren. Speculation she could show up on Mandalorean. Sold 14 copies at an average price of $8.70 raw
6. BATMAN DAMNED #1 JIM LEE VARIANT– Return of a book that used to dominate the list. Sold 27 copies at an average price of $75.50 raw.
7. BATMAN #89 – First cameo of Punchline still moving. Sold 25 copies at an average raw price of $34.41.
8. X-MEN #4 – First appearance of Omega Red. Coming to Disney Plus. $30 copies sold at an average of $29.25.
9. NIGHTWING #70 – Was speculated Punchline would make an appearance. She didn’t, but still a solid selling book, moving 39 copies at an average raw price of $10.38.
10. YEAR OF THE VILLAIN HELL ARISEN #3 FEDERICI VARIANT – Again, Punchline is the last spec before the shut down, this variant to the first full appearance sold 19 copies at an average raw price of $30.00
Things are definitely slow in comic land when you wait for this list and always excited for several books; then you look at this week’s and it’s kinda…. meh… ok…. when is the next one coming out.
Punchline 4x, Sabine Wren 2x, and Corona? – someone wake me up later.
More like.. meh after seeing they threw Batman Damned back on the list..
The term “Bat-A-Wang” still cracks me up. I’m so immature…
I should just start creating the Poyo Top Ten List.. my algorithm will be based on what everyone else’s is.. “randomness”… 😉
o.k. agent poyo.go for it .if youall want t see agent poyo’s top ten list give me a hells yeah?please do it I want it I am sure the chu readers want it and it will be amazing sir blind adam out
Makes me laugh to. Or Bruce’s ward Dick.
The “Bat-A-Wang” would be the first collectible comic book toy that my wife would want more than me.
The real winner of the week and last week totally missed by these guys is Walking Dead #171 moving more copies than all these books on the list. Started at below cover two weeks ago now copies creeping $15-$20+ range.
I need to dig mine out and list them then. It was on the runners up list which I didn’t get to post this week.
With the lost of Michonne the Princess character breathed new life into the show and they really perfectly cast the actress that plays Princess.
That show is still airing?
Yes and strangely enough moving comics again
Meh… It’ll be only briefly.
I would coment on the batwing but I am navous about being to n.s.w. as I am blind adam and I am not safe for work #testify.and the appearance of the batawang in batmand amned #1 doesn’t inpress me and it is not he first appearance of the bsatwang and did the princess of pittsburg reek of awesomness or what?lobr you
blind adam outsll
I need to finally dig out the copies of X-Men #4 I’m pretty sure I have. It’s just that I know they are completely buried.