Since came on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBaytrends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay
sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics: (Please note, potential spoilers do follow, and, these results are for auction that closed last week. )
1. YEAR OF THE VILLAIN HELL ARISEN #3 – The last spec character before comics went on hiatus, and really the only big spec of 2020. This keeps selling the book this week saw $32 copies sell at an average raw price of $36.82
2. SPAWN #1 – Classic first appearance that hangs around the list. 32 copes sold at an average of $14.20.
3. OMEGA MEN #3 – with new books not coming out, we are seeing the emergence of classic issues making it to the top, like the first appearance of Lobo. The issue sold 23 copies at an average raw price of $47.50
4. NIGHTWING #70 – And the last spec book before the crash, even if it was for the wrong reasons. Still, this sold 26 copies for an average price of $10.74
5. X-MEN #4 – Marvel tv related, first appearance of Omega Red. Sold 25 copies at an average of $16.00
6. VENOM LETHAL PROTECTOR #1 – Venom’s first solo book is still alive and well. Sold 14 copies at an average of $12.57
7. AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #300 – Venom’s first appearance is always a classic, 17 copies sold at an average of $185.
8. UNCANNY X-MEN #266 – Gambit’s first appearance, rumor that this will end up on Disney+, move 15 copies at $85 average.
9. BATMAN #89 – Again, the last new character spec of 2020 before the shut down, Punchline was queen, her first cameo moved 20 copies at an average raw copy of $31.12.
10. STAR WARS KANAN #1 – Mandalorean spec, first cameo appearance of Sabine Wren sold 12 copies at an average raw price of $8.47
10 for 10….not a big accomplishment though.
Basically nothing else to chase so people are buying classics. Many of us already have them. It’s a strange world.
I think it’s good people have a chance to get these ‘essential’ books they always wanted, we shouldn’t look down on them for us being more fortunate. It’s actually nice to see a better representation of what the top 10 probably is, instead of comics sometimes on there nobody wants like Devil Hulk 13, etc.