As promised, the runners-up list. Think of this as the second half of the top 20.
#11 REDNECK #1 (IMAGE, 2017 ) A recent comment from Mr. Donnie Cates alluding that he “sold something” sent fans directly to REDNECK. While still VERY unconfirmed, it sold 16 copies, had a 7-day trend of 172%, and had a high sale of $65 for a CGC 9.8 and $22 raw.
#12 BATMAN #89 (DC, 2020) Even if this issue finally fell to the runner-ups, Punchline still hangs on to the TOP 10. We’ll see how the next several weeks progress. It sold 25 copies, had a 7-day trend of 105%, and had a high sale of $130 for a CGC 9.8.
#13 SPIDER-MAN 2099 #1 (MARVEL) SPIDEY 2099 is still selling copies. Is 2099 going to follow in suit with Spawn and Ultimate Fallout 4, or is this just a pandemic book (collectors buying low-cost first appearances with no new releases)? It sold 20 copies, had a 7-day trend of 111%, and had a high sale of $79 for a CGC 9.8.
#14 MARVEL PREMIERE #1 (MARVEL, 1972) Rumors are swirling that we might see Warlock in the near future… who is first named as “Warlock” in this issue. This isn’t the first time this rumor has swirled. Back in GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, we saw HIM’s cocoon in the Collector’s collection. Like with every MCU rumor, let’s just wait and see. It sold 14 copies, had a 7-day trend of 151%, and had a high sale of $840 for a NM+ raw copy.
#15 SPAWN/BATMAN #1 (IMAGE, 1994) Total honesty, we have no idea why this saw a small boost in sales. We’re guessing that some folks just wanted to read this fun mashup between two awesome comic stars? Regardless, it sold 13 copies, had a 7-day trend of 166%, and had a high sale of $50 for a CGC 9.6.
#16 SPAWN #1 (IMAGE, 1992) Speaking of Spawn… yep… still selling well. It sold 15 copies, had a 7-day trend of 136%, and had a high sale of $109.93 for a CGC 9.8.
#17 X-MEN ANNUAL #14 (MARVEL, 1990) This is the first appearance of Gambit via cameo… though it’s debated since he’s clearly in multiple panels. It sold 14 copies, had a 7-day trend of 142%, and had a high sale of $157.50 for a CGC 9.8.
#18 ULTIMATE FALLOUT #4 (MARVEL) There is no easier book to sell than this first appearance of Miles Morales. Collectors, fans, investors, etc. all want it. Man can this book sell week after week. It sold 18 copies, had a 7-day trend of 109%, and had a high sale of $447.50 for a CGC 9.8.
#19 THE NEW MUTANTS #1 (MARVEL, 1983) The roller coaster of this film’s release is as crazy as this movie looks. Hope we get to see it soon. It sold 17 copies, had a 7-day trend of 113%, and had a high sale of $99.95 for a CGC 9.8.
#20 SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #1 (BOOM!, 2019) Last week’s BOOM news really boosted this book’s value last week. Sales were small with 10 copies, however, it had a nice 7-day trend of 189% and had a high sale of $32.99 for a raw copy.
Hmmm… Donny Cates “sold something” … Redneck is a good bet, but what about Babyteeth?
Redneck would be a better bet hopefully. Babyteeth was wildly over printed. Even if it did get optioned, I can’t see it going up too much since it had way too much hype upon it’s initial release.
Agreed … Babyteeth had so many store variants it was enough to make anyone’s head spin … taking comic spec out of the mix, both Redneck and Babyteeth would make for good TV series … then there’s Interceptor/Reactor; now that could make for an amazing movie … egad!! so much potential… actively waiting to see when Donny will elaborate. LOL!
I believe the news for Interceptor was already optioned, unless this news is more news on a new option.. I dumped my Interceptors a while back, made nice profit too.
I got the glow in the dark variant for Babyteeth one of the coolest covers think it’s issue two and came with the lenticular for #1 for free.
I always get it mixed up with Jason Aaron’s redneck comic. But I do slightly like Donny and his hipster goof bag leanings moreso than Jason’s tired “The South shall rise agin!!!” shtick and cosplaying as Duck Dynasty.
how about buzzkill??baby teethis #awesomesauce love you guys blind dam out
Hopefully it is Redneck…. Not only because it would translate well on the big/small screen but I’ve got four or five copies #1 that I would like to find new homes for……for a nominal fee of course.
I got 2 9.8 that I got a while back from my LCS. Would love to sell one of them for a nice profit.