We all know Knull is coming. It had been one of the most talked about storylines in a long time. Marvel announced a new event series coming out this December, The King in Black.
Hold on to you copies of Venom #3 because Knull will be on fire this winter. Check out the video below.
I would buy all the Venom #4 1st, 2nd, 3rd print in the meantime
Why? The market has spoken and Venom 3 is the book people want. Seems like you’re pumping up 4 for no real reason. You sittin on a few copies? Lol
Venom #3 is still yes the top winner for Knull First Appearance but I wouldn’t count out Thor: God of Thunder #6 either. We should definitely see that one start to rise again as it’s still an easy $80 – $100 book raw on it’s own.
One day someone will say Venom#4 is first full and write an article about it, which I don’t care I prefer GOT #6 over Venom #3, #4 anyways. While #3 will stay astronomical #4 will grow to at least half of what #3 is going for. Buying Venom #3s at $1000 a pop won’t have a good return, buying Venom #4s at $25 right now will have some money to be made. Yes I have the 2nd and 3rd print for #4 but I also have the 1st, 1:25, and 3rd print for #3 all heading to the graders this week.
I keep saying I need to get an order off for grading.
I know my 3rd print is a 9.8 so with the price being so high I have to preserve it now. My Miles stuff has to go get graded too, so I can’t put it off any longer. Hopefully 60 books to PGX and 10 to CGC
PGX? Nooooooo lol
On the bright side we will know which costs more 60 books graded and pressed by PGX or 10 Magazine size graded and pressed at CGC
25 of the 60 are first Gwenom, 5 TT #12, 5 Thanos #13
What’s special about issue #4?
Venom #4 just goes more into Knull’s origin. I think what Alana is saying, while everyone goes after #3, issue #4 can probably be found for dirt cheap and could see a rise in value as people start seeking out these earlier issues. Heck, didn’t even realize #4 is a $20 to $25 book currently as well..
Also, don’t forget, Issue #4 is where we learned that Knull was in Thor God of Thunder #6:
“ka-THOO-loo”???! C’mon, Donny, read a book every now and then……..
It’s that Texas drawl
That black cover makes 9.8’s harder to get for Venom 4. It’s a great looking cover as well.
Ha! Didn’t realize you had already noted the black cover!
But it is true. Look at Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1 in 9.8. That black waxy heavy stock cover gets spine ticks if you even look at it too hard.
Much less available than UFO4 in 9.8. And it commands almost as much value and is a second appearance.
Yes, 4 has been quietly climbing in value…also 1st print is a black cover tough to find in 9.8.
So undervalued, but not for long, I’m sure…
I’ll probably read The King is Back In Black Death Metal Convergence Crisis Wars but i don’t think I’ll be dropping Benjamins on Venom 3. Missed that boat and I’m not missing the motion sickness.
Holy crap!!! Im actually happy I got 5 copies 1ST editions when they originally came out. Got lucky there. Excited about the new book Donny and Ryan are working on…two of the best Marvel MVP Teams out there in my opinion. #Texas!!
MCU…Marvel Cates Universe. Donny playing with all his toys at once is great news for all his Marvel back issues. I have one issue of Venom #3 left and of all my flip/ hold decisions i will probably regret over time selling the other copies I owned. I still think Venom #7 is the issue to focus on long term and is still affordable on Ebay. Cates has a grand plan for Dylan Brock. Once Dylan takes on his full potential Venom #7 will pop.
“I have one issue of Venom #3 left and of all my flip/ hold decisions i will probably regret over time selling the other copies I owned”
Never hold any regrets. If you made money, that’s all that matters.
I’ve sold 4 or 5 of these since it came out for anywhere from$15 to $35. Have two left as well as 2x issue 4. Probably sending them in to cgc soon.
Oh, and no regrets…As Poyo says.
Almost sounds like selling time.
Wait till Knull is in a Movie. Then sell sell sell I am shocked at how people continue to love Venom, Carnage and all of the symbiotes. If it was good reading, I would understand. I was praying that Venom and Carnage would go away 25 years ago. Lord why has thou forsaken thee? Sigh.
“I was praying that Venom and Carnage would go away 25 years ago. Lord why has thou forsaken thee? Sigh”
Maybe your God doesn’t care? And what you don’t like doesn’t mean others can like themselves. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. It’s a very simple solution.
It’s weird to me that people didn’t listen to Cates back in 2018. Fresh off the Cosmic Ghost Rider stuff he launches the Venom series, and just as issue 2 is coming out he tweets several times that issue 3 is gonna be big. We are doing something huge. You’re gonna wanna get issue 3. It’s gonna be a really big deal. This issue is the start of a giant storyline. It’s huge. You need it.
My store had ordered 1,000 copies of #1 because we had a preorder customer for the big variants. I still have a couple sealed cases. We dropped to 100 copies of 2. And I was originally dropping to 75 copies of 3. But after reading Cates’ tweets (which I learned about here) I bumped my order to 200. Fifty extra copies for the shelf and 75 extra copies as hold backs to see what happens. I sold a couple dozen of the hold backs at $50 each raw several months ago. During the pandemic I slabbed thirteen 9.8s. Sold a few too many at $150 each and missed the current explosion. But I’ve got about 10 more 9.8 candidates left.
I have two investor customers that do serious buy and hold with comics. One of them has had a 10-copy Spawn pull for twenty years and never sells anything until it cracks $50. That guy preordered 10 copies of Venom 3 from me after he saw the tweets. Told me yesterday he broke down and slabbed them. Eight 9.8, one 9.6, one 9.2. I told him I was horribly sorry I sold him a 9.2 pull book. He laughed and said he’d turned five of the Venom 3s into a 9.8 Walking Dead 1. “Best twenty bucks I ever spent at your shop!”
He might regret that flip later. But not as much as folks regret not listening to Donny Cates two years ago. He told you. He told all of us.
Can you blame some people for not listening though? I mean, now many times have we heard other creators spill out.. “Buy this, it’s gonna be huge!” and it turns out to be a whole lot of nothing..
Especially Donny. In the build up to Dylan, everything’s being huge. According to his Twitter at least.
Sometimes the slow buildups make the best climax in the end right?
Hey, Are we still talking comic books?
Venom #3 is the big Knull winner but I have to agree with Alana and Poyo with the other comics. “Venom” #4 is undervalued and “Thor: God of Thunder” #6, even though pricey still has plenty of room to grow. Even with the prices where they are I don’t think anyone buying in right now for the pc will regret it down the line…at all.
Amazingly I’m the biggest proponent of buy low, sell high but even right now I think you can buy at current premium and still make out if you intend to sell later on. Knull if he becomes as big as Marvel is making him to be is in the making of a modern day grail book..
Yeah, I just sold a 3 1st print/3rd print set for $600 and am already regretting it.
How much did you pay for them?
Oh and I havent forgotten about your CHU swag… Just havent had a chance to pack up and ship off…
No worries on the swag. When you get to it, you get to it. I appreciate you sending it at all. Thanks again!
Oh, I paid a total of $55 for the 2 books so it is sweet juicy profit. They were actually my only copies of each but I finally decided that I’m gonna take a swing at a Hulk 181. I honestly didn’t think the pair would sell at $600 and then I didn’t up the price with the Cates announcement. My fear is that the 3rd print is gonna hit at least $5-600 by itself and I’m gonna have to sell off more of my collection than needed to get the 181. We’ll see. The hard part is gonna be not letting the 600 burn a hole in my pocket.
Star Wars TIE Fighters at the 2:07 mark???? here is too hoping
I noticed that too. I wasn’t sure if he was trying to be funny and playful or was hinting a crossover into the Star Wars Universe.
and are those TIE Fighter sounds or just generic space ship sounds…why would they go out of their way to add generic space ship sounds ..hmmmmmmmmm lol