Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day.
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 297th edition (and the 14th quarantine edition) of the open forum!
New comics are ramping up with even more new releases this week. Let us know what you are picking up.
Back issues and recent releases going crazy
Did you know we have the forum up and running, you can check it out at the official CHU Forum site, go over and sign up.
As always we also want to hear about your weekly pickups.
So, What were your pick ups?
This weeks pickups……
Thor #2 1:25 for the flip
Thor #5 1:25 for the flip
Strange Academy #1 1:50 already flipped.
Marvel Zombie Resurrection #1 1:50 Peach
Batman The adventures continue #2 Cover A and Peach set
Defenders #143 1st The Runner
We Only Find them #1 Peach Glow in the dark
Glow in the dark!? Man I want some more flow in the dark covers in my collection and on store shelves in general.
Grabbed the Gutt Ghost glow in the dark. Want to figure out how i can display it in my room so i always have Mr Ghost watching over me
Black light charges the paint well and lights up the glow paint when on.
I just heard that Disney is no longer going to release any of their movies on Blu-ray anymore. That is BS. F@&k them.
My wife was making fun of me for still buying DVDs. I was explaining the difference between purchasing a license to access content as opposed to owning a physical medium through which your access isn’t at another’s whim.
It upsets me that Disney will always have control over my access to the Mandalorian.
I always like the option of owning the physical disks too.. as a means of backup. I normally will buy the Blu-Rays with Digital Code to use on Vudu or other platforms for cloud/internet access but do enjoy using the disk when I’m home without the need for an internet connection.
We’re also planning on building a cabin that won’t have internet access for at least the first few years. We’ll need a DVD library for rainy nights.
Build a Plex server (rip your own DVDs for the library) for the cabin (keep it as local network only for the TV) and keep the cabin internet free.. that’s the best cabin I say..
No sir. That’s where second children come from.
Cherish the cabin….!
I download the movies off the code and sell the discs. But I still have a ton of Blu-ray’s
lol, wait… WHAT??
So is this why Mandalorian hasn’t been released on blue ray? Had to subscribe to D+ just to watch it…was waiting for blue ray…
Yeah cuz go spend the money on Disney+ where we edit out butts and we’ll own have every movie and TV show ever made on here by 2030 anyways
Yeah I hate Disney. They are a huge monopoly and yet no one does anything about it.
Your really going to hate it when DC comics sells to Disney. We can have Batman and Wolverine in the same movie ?
Lol. And i dont doubt it. The way Disney is going, they will eventually owen everything
I used to work in a state AG’s office doing legal research for anti-trust cases. They weren’t taking on the Googles and Disneys of the world. They were looking into suing potato farmers for price fixing potatoes and wringing their hands over Sysco’s purchase of small regional food distributors.It was pretty jading to see the little resources they were given to prosecute violations and how state AGs basically just held daddy SEC and FTC pinkies as they were guided through the “parking lot” of monopoly busting.
I have a small glimmer of hope that the congressional hearings for the past four years over Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc. ended with pretty much every member of congress saying “Holy shit! These guys control everything! We should do something about it! Do we have laws against this!? We do!? Man, did you guys know Facebook bought Instagram? We shouldn’t have let that happen. Whoops. Our bad!”
25 years ago I was making comments about how Disney was taking over the world…I’m quite surprised it has been taking so long…
Work is picking up for me so I won’t be able to get anything on Wednesday. My wife gets off early so hopefully she scores some goodies for me lol.
comic book stores are open. quarantine is over, man.
Lol. Not all.
there is not 1 square inch of american soil that is under lock down. any comic book store”not open” now, will not
Jesse James comics in Arizona is still closed but still selling a hell of a lot of comics on Facebook. He isn’t going any where.
voluntarily. the quarantine is over. grow up
Grow up? I do believe a lot of shops in California just had to close their doors. Restaurants and bars. Do not remember the full list. Not sure what the hostility is about. I have just been using Quarantine Edition since the pandemic started. It’s not meant to be political at all. Just a way to mark it during these crazy times.
One must live a really sad pathetic life if a topic title bugs them that much.
I’ve been trying to get a shop in CA to give me a better price in shipping ($49 priority for one $3.99 comic, no other options offered) and every time I email them I get the response that they are closed….although my last email included a screen shot of a Facebook post of new stuff they got in that week with a “are you still closed?”….still came back with “closed.”
Must be D3 comic shop
Bars in Texas have been under lockdown since July (second time they went under lockdown).
Just because our politicians say it’s okay to open doesn’t mean we should. If you can do everything from home or remote, they by all means, stay home.
A store near me is still closed and doing deliveries. His wife is sick so he’s not taking chances. His business is thriving because subscribers are up to date on books.
Some places are opened. Inside malls are still closed same as inside dinning for restaurants and other inside activities. Here in California, we got shut down for another 3 weeks cuz people don’t know how to social distance or wear masks. Up in the L.A. area the beaches are still closed cuz people don’t know how to follow the “NEW” rules.
Also on a side note, 5 small LCS are now gone due to the pendemic. The big chain store has shut down 3 of their stores since they are inside malls. There is only 6 LCS that are still opened within a 20 mile radius so I’ll see how many goodies the wife gets me.
Quarantine won’t be over the in States until 2021.
And possibly 2022.. took 99 days for US to reach 1 million confirmed cases. We’re at like 5 million now and that last million from 4 to 5 only took like 14 days to reach.. people need to stay home. That whole first lockdown was for nothing at this point.
But mah freedumb!
Seriously, my former mentor and co-author of a law review article I did had some really wise words about freedom and restraints on said freedom:
What a great article! Really appreciate this! As a teacher in the school system (Canada….although I own a small house in California) our government has not enforced face masks in the classroom as of yet. My colleagues and I are hoping for this to change. Great information to use at the next staff meeting! Thank you!
I think the theories still apply from the cases referenced even in another legal framework. Liberty is no unfettered freedom to trample on others’ rights. Liberty are basic minimum rights over and above which can be regulated so longneck as those base rights are not infringed.
yup, we never shoulda reopened so soon. i dont care about the economy at this point its lives.
I got chewed out by someone it wearing a mask in a store that requires masks today.
I was coming out of the bathroom and instead of my wife waiting to use it my exit was blocked by a woman and man wearing masks around new their necks. I slithered past them and when I came up to my wife I was like “I thought you were waiting to use the bathroom? I came out to two people without masks people blocking my way!”
Well, they overheard me, because next thing I know this woman tracks me down (wearing the mask now) and is calling me an @$$ hole and “you don’t know me, I have a medical condition” blah blah blah….
Not sure how that explains her husband not wearing the mask…I told her that she should be standing at least 6 feet clear of others, not blocking them from safely moving around.and pointed out the mask goes over her nose too (was not wearing it right). And doesn’t explain your husband not wearing it.
“You don’t know me! I don’t know you! Blah blah medical condition blah blah.”
My wife was like “let it go” and I’m like “but she’s coming after ME! I walked away! I’m going to call them out for who they are if they approach me…I wanna get the hell away! They’re the ones not being considerate of my health!”
People don’t get that if you do have a condition you still have to socially distance yourself from others.
And there are alternatives to cloth masks if you have a medical condition if you REALLY care about your fellow citizen. find another way. Try something else. Try harder. Get creative.
Don’t use it as a crutch and cry “poor me” and give up.
The people who don’t wear masks properly bug the crap out of me. If it’s not over your nose, then what’s the point in even wearing one?
As for those who don’t want to wear a mask, I think they should be the last ones who get access to a vaccine when they’re available. Also, imagine if we had a revolver that could hold 100 bullets. Those who aren’t willing to wear a mask, would they be willing to load up 3 bullets, spin it and take the chance that if they pull the trigger it doesn’t kill them with a bullet with some Russian Roulette? I doubt it, so why chance not wearing a mask? And if you’re a carrier, why are you willing to infect others if you’re asymptomatic? Wear a mask if you care about yourself and other people. If you don’t wear a mask and complain about your freedumb, then I have zero sympathy if you get COVID and get really sick.. some people I suppose were meant to learn the hard way…
A friend who works for an FYE had a gun pulled on him because he told a customer to put his mask on. The guy was yelling about rights and when friend said masks are mandatory in our state he screamed more. Dude was doing all of this in front of his 7yr old daughter. Class act.
We have had to tell one regular customer SEVERAL times to put/keep his mask on. He thinks rules don’t apply to him at all. This pandemic has really shown the entitled brats who were never told no as a child.
August 12, 2020 at 1:35 pm
And possibly 2022
Oh for sure. Specially when people are being asked to put on a mask and they get all mad and start saying their “rights” are being broken.
Why aren’t they complaining about their right to go barefoot in a store? I don’t want your foot fungus either.
How is a mask any different than a shoe when it comes to civil liberties?
People just want something to bitch about…if they really feel this way they should walk into a store naked. Take a REAL stand against your liberties. Not this half assed argument about masks,
I don’t wish death upon anyone but all the people who refuse to wear masks, I hope they all get deathly SICK.. and I hope it fucks them up for months or years so they learn their fucking lesson the hard way! You’ll have to excuse my language but I’m sick of hearing stories and seeing it first hand about people who can’t do a simple task of just wearing a mask when you’re in public places around others. It’s not asking that much. Honestly, I like wearing a mask. I don’t have to fake smile at people when I walk by and I can stick my tongue out at people without them knowing.. plus, I don’t have to trim my nose hairs anymore.. there’s way more pros to the masks than there are cons..
They say people are brushing their teeth more now because they can’t stand their own breath in the mask. I found that funny.
@ DrunkWooky,
You had me laughing right now. Never seen someone right Freedumb like that before lol???
I do what I can to bring levity to dark times…
Here is what my wife got for me. She went to 4 different shops all at cover price. Crazy woman lol.
Strange Academy #1 2nd print ×2
Death Metal #3 card stock variant ×4
Venom #27 ×6
Death Metal #3 cover A ×2
Captain Marvel #19 both covers
Everglades Angels #2
Something is killing the children #9
Devils Highway #2
Anybody else not get Fishkill in? Is that delayed?
It’s on my pull, with a couple of other Heavy Metal Books, but it didn’t show, today. Those books look quite intriguing.
Finally got my Venom 26 Momoko from Sad Lemon. Virgin looks great. But weird color issue here: two of them look like the one on the left, but on the one on the right, all the reds are orange instead. Anyone else get theirs like this?
That’s actually the first appearance of Orange Winter and it’s hyper rare. It’s the elder god that create all the Hobgoblins in the world.
I think you just retconned some marvel history there…careful or Cates may use it
Ditched my LCS today. I have been subscribed to venom since issue #5. They only received 75% of their copies and I didn’t get #27. They have been doing this to me before the pandemic, so this was it. They can’t seem to keep their reservations.
They know how to take a reservation but not keep a reservation. I think that’s the Seinfeld quote.
Yes!!! I’m glad someone was able to understand my reference lol
Dude. I am fluent in pop culture references. I speak fluent Simpsons. Lol. Still don’t know what the three shells are for though.
Sandra Bullock explained it a few years ago i believe
She kinda explained them. Still don’t know how to use them.
“we’ve reaches the limits of what rectal probing can teach us!”
We get shorted somewhat frequently though we didn’t on 27. I still have a couple dozen on the shelf. But when we get shorted we allocate based on signup date. FIFO is the only fair way. If I start playing games with liking this customer better or rewarding that guy because he spends more money I won’t have a shop for long. Only fair way is who signed up first.