Welcome to this weeks spec and drek. This is where we pick the winners each week we think will be spec worthy, a great read or just cool looking art on the cover. I also dive into the pesky drek, the book you should probably avoid if you can or perhaps not invest so heavily into.
DC Picks
This week is another bleh week for DC. But I do love this cover for Dark Nights Death Metal Multiverses End One Shot for some reason. It’s not worth the retailer ratio going price though. Perhaps wait for it to come down to rock bottom prices on eBay in the coming weeks, which is already way cheaper than what Midtown is trying to offload their copies at.
Avengers #36 is a great cover of Black Panther and Moon Knight going at it. Picking it for that alone. Midtown already sold out. Still available at TFAW.
Indie and Small Publisher Picks
Spawn #310 BW is still selling between $10 and $20 (on a good day) on pre-sales. Might be worth the grab if you didn’t pre-order but with the reported print run being pretty hefty, I’m betting retailers will have plenty of Spawn #310 to go around so they got a bunch of the freebie BW covers..
The pick it up for the read alone goes to That Texas Blood #4. Great new series.
The other pick up to read goes to Mirka Andolfo Mercy #6 (of 6) (Cover A – Andolfo). Great series, great artwork. Can’t ask for more out of a series if you ask me. It’s the last issue in the story as well.
There’s also a pretty cool looking Bartel Variant as well.
The grab it cause you grabbed the other covers that match the theme goes to Ice Cream Man #20 (3rd Printing). Love it, keep’em coming Image.. Keep printing Ice Cream Man #20 until you do every single Dr. Seuss book in existence…
Now on with the dreaded “drek” pick, every writer and artists worst nightmare when it comes to selling their hard work. The book to avoid or not fall victim to in buying at ratio inflated prices.
Immortal Hulk Threshing Place #1. WTF is wrong with his head? It looks like Hulk fell from space and hit the ugly branch every 3 feet from 20 miles up…. Who signed off on this cover art at Marvel? They should be fired.
This is not Hulk, this is Hulkenstein.. but uglier.. He looks like the offspring of a Ogre that mated with a deformed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle that smoked a lot of crack..
It’s a Lemire book, he always uses weird artwork, but since there’s a first appearance I don’t know why you’d drek a first appearance in this current market.
Department of Truth also has a secret cover with Lee Harvey on it instead of JFK.
The secret 1:10 variant for DoT #1 is based on how many cover A’s a retailer ordered. Cover B didnt qualify.
I like Lemire and Lemire’s art is actually likeable. This cover by Mundo is awful.. that’s why it’s a Drek pick.. it’s Turrible, just Turrible as Barkley would say.
As for Department of Truth, it was meh. When a book doesn’t end leaving me want to read the next issue, it doesn’t matter if the next issue has 14k gold on the cover, it’s not making my pick list..
“but since there’s a first appearance I don’t know why you’d drek a first appearance in this current market.”
I also don’t base my drek picks just because there’s a first appearance in it. I stated the reasons on why I added this title and the particular cover to the drek list.. Chasing a book just because there’s a “first appearance” in it is a state of what’s wrong with the current industry on why books heat up in a sense.
There’s also a Joe Bennett cover on that Hulk book that looks pretty good, so making it a drek book because of one cover isnt fair since it may be a good read.
Why isn’t it fair? I’m saying that cover is awful. I’m not specifically telling people not to buy the book.. buy what you like, don’t buy what you don’t like. I can care less if the book becomes a billion dollar book.. that cover would still be my drek pick cause it’s just fugly..
even more reason to buy it, you don’t like it so you’ll have no problem selling it.
I’m basing my opinion on the current market, if you don’t buy a first appearance just because the cover sucks,,, then you haven’t been paying attention to anything and you’re just throwing money away.
I don’t pick every book if I think it’s going to make someone money. As you can see, I pick for many reasons, great cover, good read or if it might make you money. I limit my picks while Anthony does picks himself where we just can’t list every damn book coming out.
I’m not in the business of creating hype for every possible first appearance. There are firsts each and every week, it would be a never ending task that I’m not chasing.
Maybe next week I’ll just save myself some time and just create an article that only reads… “Buy every book with a first appearance in it.”
I’m with Poyo. Cover Sucks.
“Department of Truth also has a secret cover with Lee Harvey on it instead of JFK.”
If and when you read the issue, you’ll understand why Lee Harvey is on the cover..
People are already asking $25 for the DoT Lee Harvey variant. Might be worth looking for if a shop didn’t get the memo.
It’s a book about conspiracies, it’s not hard to figure out why the guy involved with the biggest and most popular conspiracy is included.
Okay.. doesn’t change the fact that I didn’t feel like picking it this week. I think the story is bleh. Perhaps you can write your own picks and post them on a website somewhere..
Hulk on the A cover is so ugly I actually admire his ugliness. Reminds me of classic Frankenstein from the Universal movie. Perhaps a homage in time for Halloween.
That’s what it looks like to me, an old horror hulk cover, and knowing that Lemire is writing it, the art is probably perfect for the story.
That’s a more valid reason to comment than.. “That’s not fair!” Whaaa Whaaa Whaaaa..
He looks more like Leader than the hulk. Maybe it’s a first appearance mash-up.
I haven’t been to my LCS in about a month…and not inspired to this week either.
Oh, and no Batvark Penis One Shot?!!!
People actually buy that crap?
Apparently. Sold out at midtown. Selling for $10 on eBay now in presales.