Wednesday Open Forum


Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day.

We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.

The 315th edition of the open forum!

Let’s hear all those Christmas and Hanukah comic related goodies!!! I got a switch. Have been playing a lot of Fortnite over the last two days.

Love to hear what you’re buying and selling this week.

Did you know we have the forum up and running, you can check it out at the official CHU Forum site, go over and sign up.

As always we also want to hear about your weekly pickups.
So, What were your pick ups?

17 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Forum”

  1. I’d say all I hear is the sound of crickets here now…but I Got my daughter a bearded dragon baby for Christmas and I had 1000 tiny crickets delivered today…could be that.

    They said they are supposed to eat 20-50 crickets a day…it’s yet to eat one the last few days. It better start liking them…fast…

    1. We got our boys a dog. Not crazy about having a dog again but the deal is I am not going to be the one walking it all the time and cleaning up after it.

      1. We have a fenced in back yard. I built the fence…so I could just let the dog out. That’s about as much as I do.

        What kind of dog?

    2. 950 of those crickets will be dead in a week..

      Make sure the temperature is right and the humidity is good. When I bought my kid his first pet (he wanted a lizard), we went with a Leopard Gecko, which was rated as the easiest to take care of out of all the lizards (particularly for kids). They really don’t require any light and you just need to keep their cage warm but not too hot, 80-95 degrees and just one side of the tank (they’ll move around to moderate their own temp). Plus they can live up to 25 years.

      Most other lizards required more attention to the details of their environment. Normally when a reptile doesn’t eat, their environment is not right.. I had a snake once that didn’t want to eat, didn’t eat for the first 4 months I had him. I was worried, temp was right, everything was right.. wasn’t until I just got the biggest heat lamp for his cage and left it one for a day, he then ate 3 mice in about 5 minutes.. the sucker just wanted the damn sun blaring down on him apparently.

      And I only buy 10-20 crickets for kids gecko, the rest are super worms or meal worms (they last longer) as for some reason even with a cricket cage with proper food and stuff, they always just die before we use them all..

      1. I’ve got a whole set up to keep them alive for at least a few weeks. Sterlight bins, Home Depot buckets, food to hit load them, calcium dust.

        Figured it’d eat 20-50 a day…wasn’t expecting them until Friday or Saturday either…

        Thing goes back to the store if it ain’t eating by Saturday though. Daughter will be devastated. Thing is stressing me out!

        1. Yeah, I got a setup to keep crickets alive too.. they still die, so I gave up. I just determined we would buy a handful once every couple of weeks. Superworms though.. sometimes those start to morph into something new they last so long.. 😉

          The other thing I liked about Leopard Geckos, when they turn into an adult, can go 3-5 days between feedings.

          1. Was told leopard geckos didn’t like to be held, while bearded dragons will hang out and watch tv with you.

            Daughter has been wanting a pet since COVID started…settled on a lizard and one she can handle since that’s really what she wants….to take it out and carry it around.

            1. Ummm.. LIES!.. my boy’s leopard gecko loves to be held and hangs out on the boy while he plays video games sitting in bed on his computer, it’s quite hilarious..

  2. Ok so last week I got 2 weeks worth of DC books delivered..,.today I got next weeks DC books delivered
    I only picked up swamp thing & both Wonder Woman covers…swamp thing was ok but I expected Wonder Woman to be a bit more….Brazilian? Kinda got USA white teen vibes

  3. This week I am only buying the Batman Annual as far as new books. Not too much in new stuff for me this week but next week is another story. Going to look for some back issues of older Conan and see what Star Wars are out there.

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