Welcome to this weeks spec and drek, the 4th edition for 2021. This is where we pick the winners each week we (or shall I say myself) think will be spec worthy, a great read or just cool looking art on the cover. I also dive into the pesky drek, the book you should probably avoid if you can or perhaps not invest so heavily into.
I’m changing up my format. I’ve been doing DC then Marvel for ages but I feel Marvel deserves to be mentioned first as DC is mostly garbage most weeks with only a few books being worthy of mentions. Also getting these out earlier as I got a busy week ahead..
Marvel Picks
This first pick is a no brainer. Star Wars High Republic #1 2nd Printing.
The first printing went on to wow and dazzle us. I don’t think this one will heat up as much but for those picking up High Republic books, might as well grab a copy of them all for the collection.
Is there actually going to be a death in this weeks Strange Academy #7? The solicitations certainly claim such things but we all know deaths mean nothing in these made up fantasy stories.
Might still be worthy of a pickup and for those of course reading this title.
I’m not even reading Wolverine but issue #9 certainly has me curious as to what’s going on inside.
Batman Black & White #2 gives us a pretty cool Jock cover. That’s about the only thing that grabs my attention this week.
Indie and Small Publisher Picks
The new mini-series from Skroce that I enjoyed so far, one issue in. I should hopefully get a sneak peek preview up before Wednesday this week.
Star Wars Adventures Smugglers Run #2 I think is introducing some new characters this week. Might be worth checking out. Sold out at Midtown but still available at TFAW.
One thing to note is, if this is a kids book, why the hefty price tag? Might of been a put off for a lot of shops limiting the number of extra shelf copies.
Sweet Downfall #1 is a new Scout book I’m looking forward to. I got a review copy I need to read. Maybe if I get time, I’ll do a sneak peek preview.
Stake #1 hits stands now as a Scout book as well. This was a Kickstarter book and it also had a pretty sweet Momoko variant as well.
Now on with the dreaded “drek” pick, every writer and artists worst nightmare when it comes to selling their hard work.
The book to avoid or not fall victim to in buying at inflated prices, whether it’s false demand, pump and dump or out of FOMO.
I don’t normally call these types of things out but something about the writer for Dead End Kids, which saw some heat with it’s first volume, I got put off when I met him at NYCC that same year and some recent social media postings.
Back at NYCC a few years ago, I didn’t realize he was the creator at the Source Point Press booth and I was checking out the Dead End Kids books and he starts chatting with me. He states he is Frank Gogol. I’m like cool. So it gets to the point where I then ask how much for the first print copies he has (I had missed out as my shops didn’t get them). He goes on to say those were his own personal copies and he’s selling them for $40, cause “That’s how much they’re going for on eBay”. I just thought to myself, man, you writing to sell your stuff at secondary market prices or want to sell your stories instead? I mean, I get it, you like to make money but I thought there would have been a better way of saying the price for the copies (that he likely had a stack of under the table). I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt when he said those were the last of his copies (sure they were, it’s like Day One of NYCC and you only brought several copies of your hot new book).
Anyways, fast forward to now and it just seems like Frank wants to boost his work based on scarcity, as in he hopes to create false demand on limited supply. He touts no second printings and then posts crap like this on social media about his book:
You hyping your work cause of it’s potential scarcity and value (based on your own limited quantity produced) Frank? Or you gonna try and tell me I should buy it cause it’s a good read? If all you do is talk value like you’re a comic book flipper, well, you already lost me as a customer and I have zero desire to pick up your work. Sorry Frank Gogol. I don’t mean to sound harsh, I hope you all the best with your books but this type of self hype and advertising, it is more off putting for me in buying your stuff.
Basically the moral of this drek is, don’t fall into FOMO because something is limited. Buy it cause YOU want it but avoid paying premium prices. If you truly want to read it, skip the secondary market and just wait for the trade. If creators are gonna pump their own work and books based on “limited” quantities (that they’re controlling in the sense of claiming no second prints whatsoever) in hopes that gets people to buy them, then that’s a major issue in this industry creating false demand. Don’t fall for this gimmick and don’t give those who pump this the time of day with your hard earned cash.
There you go D-Rog, is that good enough spec for ya? It’s cold yet polite in a sense.
Star Wars High Republic 1 2nd print will be the copy to get. It’s been selling for 20-30 for 2 weeks now because there wasn’t much time on FOC for preorders and everyone was occupied getting copies of the 1st print. There are a lot less copies for the 2nd print ordered than you think. The 3rd print will have double the print run as the 2nd so if you see the 2nd in your store pick it up cause I guarantee it will sell higher than the 1st print of cover A when the Star Wars dust has settled.
Agreed 100. The 2nd print will have long term value. Hans is over valued, and the print run and amount of covers doesnt compare to the short FOC on 2nd print, i wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of lcbs slept on the 2nd print and are waiting on the 3rd. Also 2nd print has the more classic Star Wars cover imo
Why are people paying $20-$30? It’s available at Midtown still for cover.
“There are a lot less copies for the 2nd print ordered than you think. The 3rd print will have double the print run as the 2nd so if you see the 2nd in your store pick it up cause I guarantee it will sell higher than the 1st print of cover A when the Star Wars dust has settled.”
You got any facts to base these statements off of? I think there’s more 2nd prints than you think. Midtown after 4 days now still have them in stock.
Midtown does not have any in stock plus when they were yesterday they were limiting 1 per just like TFAW was selling cover A 1 per when it was selling on eBay for 15. You don’t have to ask me, you can just look at current and sold listings on ebay to see the price.
You don’t have to get get so sensitive..
And the diamond distributor for my comic shop told him there weren’t as many ordered as you would think. The foc for this book was on short notice when the first issue was still hot and in demand.
It’s obvious this book is going to be the winner..
Wait, Midtown doesn’t have the 2nd prints in stock? Why does this page https://www.midtowncomics.com/product/1991178 tell me I can add to my cart now, right as I’m typing this. Hmm..
“You don’t have to ask me, you can just look at current and sold listings on eb ay to see the price.”
I didn’t question eBay sales. I think people are acting stupid on eBay who buy books at inflated costs when they can still acquire for cover price or less. (hence, buy a copy from Midtown. Even if you only buy one copy, $3.99 + shipping is still way less than $20 or $30).
I’m not being sensitive, words on a screen carry zero emotion, please keep that in mind. I’m just questioning and challenging what you’ve brought to the table, that’s all.
“And the diamond distributor for my comic shop told him there weren’t as many ordered as you would think.”
What? That statement makes no sense to me. Your shop has their own Diamond Distributor? Or are you speaking of their rep? Did you hear them say such a thing if so? Even if it is 100% accurate, someone saying “not as many ordered as you think” tells us nothing about the actual numbered ordered. It’s normally given that additional printings are minuscule compared to the first printings.
“The foc for this book was on short notice when the first issue was still hot and in demand.”
But we here at CHU made sure all our readers were aware 3 days before FOC (multiple times here on the main site and forums).. as I’m sure plenty of other groups made their readers aware.
I really don’t think it’s going to be as hard to get as some might think. Will it go up in value though? It certainly does have that chance but I’m not counting the current pre-sales right now on eBay as any indication of value, at best, a lot of FOMO going on I think. Wait and see what happens when this hits stores this Wednesday, normally in these cases we’ll see these dip after these reach more collectors, readers and speculators hands.
Wow you are really being a sensitive little snowflake. Does it hurt your feelings that much when someone has a different opinion than yours, which ones is actually based on facts nonetheless.
You make that wanna check that link again because they are out of stock. Because you can wishlist something on midtown is not the same as buying it Poyo.?
Also the owner of my LSC I have been going to for over 10 years has never been wrong with the info he gives when it come to book shipments.
Haha yea they are. That link to midtown is actually now SOLD OUT. Welcome to the weekend before new releases lol they were at 1 Per Customer which is a good indication of high demand. I think plenty of people like us flew to the 2nd print but since its foc was before the 1st print dropped most brick and mortar places i think are gnna miss that train. Guess we will all see Wednesday
I’ve seen 1 per customer hot books last less than an hour on Midtown on Wednesdays.. sometimes even faster. I’m guessing but I’d say, 4 days is a long time to sell out of a hot book, my magic eight ball says “signs point to not so hard to get”..
“Welcome to the weekend before new releases lol they were at 1 Per Customer which is a good indication of high demand.”
Not always. Midtown has been doing a lot of books with the “1 per” at times, even books that go on to be plentiful. I think they’re starting to limit some books to just prevent speculators from buying them all up, releasing the 1 per a week or so later.
“Wow you are really being a sensitive little snowflake.”
Is there a reason you’re getting personal? Do you really need to call people snowflakes? That’s about as petty as it comes.
“You make that wanna check that link again because they are out of stock.”
It’s now sold out, awesome. Maybe since everyone was clicking the link to go buy a copy, however, still took it 4 days to sell out.
“Does it hurt your feelings that much when someone has a different opinion than yours, which ones is actually based on facts nonetheless.”
No, apparently you don’t read my previous statement of “words on a screen” carry no emotion. Apparently it bothers you enough to resort to personal name calling though with me just challenging your opinion.. err, facts.. or is it opinion? See the next quote cause now I’m confused, you claim opinion here but then go on to say:
“Also the owner of my LSC I have been going to for over 10 years has never been wrong with the info he gives when it come to book shipments.”
Okay.. but with such vague terms like.. “the second print will be much smaller than the 1st and 3rd print”.. Makes it very easy to be “right” most of the time.
“Because you can wishlist something on midtown is not the same as buying it Poyo.”
I know the difference between Wishlist and Available. Please don’t insult my intelligence. I guess I’ll have to start doing screen shots every single page I visit as proof. Geez.
“ And the diamond distributor for my comic shop told him there weren’t as many ordered as you would think.”
“Does it hurt your feelings that much when someone has a different opinion than yours, which ones is actually based on facts nonetheless.”
None of these comments are based in facts. They are opinions and guesstimates…if you repeating something someone else heard from another person,,,,that’s called heresay…and not admissible evidence in a court of law (I.e. not factual).
Exactly. The second print for issue 1 was over looked because as you stated the first issue was being heavily looked upon. I grabbed 2 copies. If I see another or 2 believe me I will grab them.
Appologies if its been mentioned already but Disney Insider show episode 7 on Disney+ has a feature on the writers involved in High Republic. It shows the meeting they had at Skywalker Ranch and how much work has gone into the planning of the books and comics in this new era. Well worth a watch.
Give me ten printings of The High Republic and I’ll buy them all if means Star Wars will be good again. About time that franchise had some decent content SMH…
I bought a set of Dead End Kids off Gogol at NYCC last year too and he only charged me $15. Sounds like you got made tryna pull a flip and were priced accordingly. Now you’re salty about it? Dude hustles and his books are good as hell. Nothing but respect from me. But to each their own.
Salty? Nah. Trying to buy to flip? Nah. You assuming too much on little info? Yes.
At the time when chatting I was more interested in reading. But not for $40 for one issue. I said no thanks and walked away.
Your right though…. Claiming he hustles.
hustles: a fraud or swindle
I was there with Poyo. No. We came up and I asked about the series of he could explain it. He went into the story of what it was about. Said he had his personal first prints but were $40 because of eBay going prices. I ended up buying a second print. He was straightforward about the price because of the eBay prices. Neither of us said anything about spec or any of that, just told us the eBay price.
I bought a set of Dead End Kids off Gogol at NYCC last year too and he only charged me $15
Also, how’d you buy a set last year? NYCC was canceled….
My mistake…in 2019, if you want to get pedantic about it like you didn’t get what I was saying.
So which is it? Did he try to charge you $40 for the set like your wrote in your post or for the first issue like you said in your reply?
Can’t even keep your lies straight.
You want to talk about assuming? How you gonna say in the same breath that your giving dude the “benefit of the doubt” then say that you’re sure he’s lying and has copies hidden away under the table? Those are opposite ideas.
Salty as hell.
For anyone who wants some actual context (more than a shady screengrab of from an IG story) you can see what Mr. Gogol was actually getting at…
You’re just out here trying to tear a creator down. Dude does so much for retailers and fans too. Was a time that CHU was the spot. Now you’re what’s wrong with this industry, brah.
“So which is it? Did he try to charge you $40 for the set like your wrote in your post or for the first issue like you said in your reply?
Can’t even keep your lies straight.”
Lies? Here’s my post:
“So it gets to the point where I then ask how much for the first print copies he has (I had missed out as my shops didn’t get them). He goes on to say those were his own personal copies and he’s selling them for $40, cause “That’s how much they’re going for on eBay””
Not sure where you’re saying I said sets for $40.. Maybe it was the way it was worded but he wanted $40 for just issue #1.
And yes, I am assuming about the copies under the table. But I would find it odd a creator shows up to promote their “book” at one of the biggest conventions of the year and had just came out the month prior and only have a handful of such books. Maybe he did, seems kind of silly if you ask me.
“For anyone who wants some actual context (more than a shady screengrab of from an IG story) you can see what Mr. Gogol was actually getting at…”
That post doesn’t help at all if you ask me. This is still the same guy who tells people to pre-order to not miss out yet goes on to tell people, no more additional printings. Why? If you want to promote your work, why stop printing more if people want it? Seems out of place if you ask me.
“You’re just out here trying to tear a creator down. Dude does so much for retailers and fans too. Was a time that CHU was the spot. Now you’re what’s wrong with this industry, brah.”
You do realize my Drek is my opinion and no one else’s, not CHU’s, not Anthony’s and I’ve stated that numerous times. And you lost all credibility when you actually said “brah”.. seriously, my tweens use that term like it’s cool or something. It’s not cool, despite how cool you might think it is. I’m not your “brah”. Speak as if you’re an adult or don’t speak at all please.
Yes, the way your had worded it was not clear you were talking about just the #1. So I’m gonna walk back that part of my last comment. That was my misunderstanding. I’ll own it.
But I’m going to point out, again, that I only paid $15 for my set of #1-3 at the same con. IDK, man. Maybe you rubbed him the wrong way when you chatted or something? I’ve heard about plenty of comic shops jacking up the price on a book for a person they thought was a flipper and selling it at or around cover for people they trust. If you were only asking after #1, maybe he legit thought you were trying to flip.
Also, Dead End Kids #1 came out in July and was sold out weeks ahead of release. Gogol had second prints for issue #1 and #2 on the table at NYCC, IIRC. It makes perfect sense to me that there’s be limited if any copies left for a con 2 months later. But that’s just me.
I also want point out that creators aren’t the one’s who decide if books get second printings. Publishers aren’t either. Diamond has to approve second printing requests, especially at smaller publishers like Source Point. If they decide that there’s not enough demand to justify the logistics and labor, they’ll kill a second printing request. So if he’s saying the book’s not going to a second printing, it’s almost definitely on Diamond.
“But I’m going to point out, again, that I only paid $15 for my set of #1-3 at the same con.”
Great on your part.
“IDK, man. Maybe you rubbed him the wrong way when you chatted or something?”
Actually if I recall correctly, Anthony was doing most of the talking. See his response, he backed up what I was saying. You can also ask Anthony, I might be more loud here on the forums but I don’t talk much in crowds around people.
“If you were only asking after #1, maybe he legit thought you were trying to flip.”
I’m pretty certain I gave off zero impressions but hearing about the story and concepts in the comic. That’s when I had the #1 first print in front of me and I asked price, that’s when he went into the eBay spiel.. that’s when I lost interest and said no thanks. Plus I could read Anthony’s copy he bought but I don’t think he let me cause he’s kind of stingy..
“Also, Dead End Kids #1 came out in July and was sold out weeks ahead of release.”
I show release date of August 7th, 2019 and #2 hit stands August 21st.
“Gogol had second prints for issue #1 and #2 on the table at NYCC, IIRC.”
He did, Anthony bought one. I lost interest after his eBay justification. Maybe it’s me, if I was a creator, my books would be cover price from day one until the day I die if I had copies available. Just seems kind of desperate to be quoting secondary market prices to me.
“I also want point out that creators aren’t the one’s who decide if books get second printings. Publishers aren’t either. Diamond has to approve second printing requests, especially at smaller publishers like Source Point.”
That’s not entirely accurate at all. Diamond is just the distributor (yes, they can reject the selling of books) but they aren’t the de facto last say in who can print what, when and where. Any creator or publisher can print books all the want and distribute directly through their own website store (yes, they have a “shop” on their website to buy their products) or by other means. So, in this current case, if Diamond told them no, perhaps he should say such a thing but that shouldn’t stop a creator or publisher from printing additional books and sell directly to the public.
You’re right about the August 7th release — original release was 7/24 and it got pushed back two weeks. Forgot about that. Just means it was sold out 4 weeks ahead of release instead of 2, which means it’s even less likely dude had a mountain of copies under the table.
But if Anthony’s backing you up, then I’m not gonna call you both liars.
Still, this all just a bad look, man. Tearing down a creator who’s putting out some of the best indie comics, who was raising thousands of dollars for retailers early in the covid, it just feels like you got a bone to pick and you’re taking it out on a dude who never did nothing to you personally.
Dude’s literally on Facebook right now connecting people who missed the preorder with retailers so they don’t have to pay ebay prices. And it’s not the first time he’s been out here doing shit like that.
This is your column and this is your opinion. You’re entitled to it. Just comes off petty as hell in the grand scheme. And maybe Anthony or one of the other contributors didn’t write this piece, but it still reflects on CHU as whole that something attacking creators can get approved. My 2 cents.
“Still, this all just a bad look, man. Tearing down a creator who’s putting out some of the best indie comics, who was raising thousands of dollars for retailers early in the covid, it just feels like you got a bone to pick and you’re taking it out on a dude who never did nothing to you personally.”
I’m not attacking the guy directly, at least not trying to. I’m attacking his tactics and what he’s claimed. I honestly don’t know the guy other than the brief 10-15 minutes we sat there chatting. I go on to preach about this whole fear of missing out that stirs up false demand. That’s where I was leading into. I don’t like it one bit. Hype your book or works as the best thing since slice bread but there’s no reason to point out a “single sold listing” and then go on the hype train about “scarcity” is gonna make my book pop.. that’s just feeding into the FOMO crowd if you ask me, that’s what is irritating to me and that’s why I spoke out about it, based on my personal experience and then what was posted on his own social media account.
Let me also add the fact that he claims this new title (in the screenshot I provided) is “sold out prior to release” but that’s not even accurate. A retailer already has commented in our forums that it’s still available at Diamond (well after his social media post, which was two days ago). That’s not sold out to me, that’s still readily available.
Kudos to him for raising thousands of dollars for COVID, but that’s besides the point and a fallacy in the argument I’m making. Gogol raised thousands for COVID, he must be a really great person and trustworthy. Everyone thought the Catholic Bishop at Church was a pretty swell guy, doing charity work, helping the helpless, sending souls off to heaven until they found out he was molesting the choir boys every Sunday night.. (Now, I’m not saying Frank is a child molester, I’m just pointing out that one can do good deeds while also doing bad deeds).
Buy the book if you want, no where did I say to not buy his book. I actually went on to tell people to not pay the potential FOMO premium prices that might come out of the creators own pump and dumping with not so accurate statements.
You gotta admit its kinda weird to assume that a creator is gnna sell you a hot in demand book at cover price at a convention where literally people could turn around and sell it 10x what you just paid. But maybe that’s just me_ especially an indie creator that isn’t making that JSC money.
I don’t know, most creators sell their books back in artist alley for cover price or if they made a convention variant, for like $10 or so. Heck, I got the Henchgirl creator to do a full on sketch for me for $20 and I didn’t even buy the book at her booth. Aaron Kuder did some awesome Ghostrider sketches (3 in total) on the all black variants that came out a week or so before NYCC 2019 for free (I even asked him how much I owe him when he was done).. he denied payment..
“I bought a set of Dead End Kids off Gogol at NYCC last year too and he only charged me $15.”
Maybe the eBay price dropped to $15 over the course of the day? ?
Should have looked it up in front of him….he probably saw some idiots asking price of $40, or a set for $40…but not actual sales.
I know it turned you off and I agree…but would’ve been sweet to call him out.
“I know it turned you off and I agree…but would’ve been sweet to call him out”
That’s just too much effort…
what you mean you dont know? im just offering my opinion and another view point- in the end, i feel, the creator has the first and last say. this is a business and i dont think we can really judge anyone by one encounter, albeit we have two here and they are quite opposite. dont hate the player, hate the game yo
“this is a business and i dont think we can really judge anyone by one encounter, albeit we have two here and they are quite opposite. dont hate the player, hate the game yo”
Not judging by the lone encounter but also what was said on social media, which I pointed out. I’m not hating Frank Gogol, I’m disliking the games he’s apparently playing and he’s spreading mis-truths. He claimed 3 days ago his book was sold out, yet yesterday when checked a retailer said it was still in stock and available at Diamond. Did anyone read where my drek led to? The whole point of the drek was to not fall for hype/pumps based on FOMO.. that’s exactly what his post did when he said “price bump/scarcity market is about to pop”…. I just find this odd coming from the creator. I can’t think of any other creator who posts a screen shot of a sold listing and then go on to say the markets about to pop cause ya’ll didn’t pre-order enough and by the way, it’s sold out (yet it’s not) and sorry, no additional printings. To me, that’s him playing the speculators to cause a bit of FOMO and hopes that causes his book to go up in value. If it wasn’t the writer saying these things, it’s definitely a playbook out of one of those pump and dump spec groups..
well said, i hear what your saying 100% hype and fomo are plagues but also opportunities, and unfortunately they can make sides feel salty… if you really want to read a book for its insides just pirate it online lol or wait for the trade. Cheers! and i hope everyone knows for at least my part, having a civil conversation is not attacking or belittling, atleast totally not my intention! hope everyones safe and well out there.
“if you really want to read a book for its insides just pirate it online lol or wait for the trade.”
Well, I don’t condone piracy myself, I think all creators are due their share for their work. Wait for the trade or buy it digitally on comixology or something.. if you can’t get a physical copy for cover price.
“But if Anthony’s backing you up, then I’m not gonna call you both liars.”
How so? I was there. I bought the second print which I still have. It’s funny because I passed on the $40 first print and bought #1 2nd print and a copy of #2.
I understand you do not agree with Poyo’s opinion. And that is fine. But to call me a liar for recounting what happened is a little much and uncalled for
I think they were implying since you were also there and backed up my “story”, he’s not calling us liars now after he learned you were standing there with me. So before I was just the liar..
what happend to Peace, Love and Harmony?
Peace? I’m not attacking people, ideas.. sure.. everyone is entitled to challenge and debate ideas presented.
Love? I have all kinds of love, even those who call me stupid and “snowflake”….
Harmony? Nope, no Harmony, I can’t sing that well.. sorry!
Aren’t we all comic fans here? Just relax and enjoy having a community online where we can nerd out with each other. To the guy who seems to know it all and call others names, we all know that if this was in person you’d keep your mouth shut when it comes to the snowflake comment so don’t do it just because nobody here would be able to knock your teeth in due to you being anonymous. Just be respectful and enjoy the conversation.
Why is this thread so mean spirited? Got some trolls up in here.
It happens. It’s funny because if any one was being a snowflake, the commenters would have been booted and their comments deleted like other communities do when someone disagrees with them. instead it is there for the record.
A sensitive snowflake would have not been able to sleep last night.. I slept like a baby, without a care in the world..
This was the most entertaining thing I read on the internet today so that tells you about the overall lack of quality on the internet. Lol. And I love that Frank Gogol is unabashedly out there selling but it is for sure over the top and pandering to the comic buying and speculating market at large.
when it gets down to name calling..
and poyo manages to remain the reasonable, cool-headed commenter we all know and love.
this was my first delve into the comments section for a while, as i’ve been on a comics break, but dang wtf are folks gettin all punchy on here for?
plenty of other corners of the internet for acting unnecessarily argumentative/petty/political/etc so please respect this sacred and peaceful nerd-space.
re: Dead End Kids being / not being in stock…
It looks like there really may be an issue on Diamond’s end about the book being sold out, then in stock, then sold out again. Gogol’s got a thread going that he’s been updating for a few days.
If you click through to other post he mentions, there’s some context for what’s up with no second printing too. Seems like there’s just a not a good option right now.
After thinking on it a minute that IG story comes off as not so great. But seeing all the transparency and facilitation he’s bringing, I gotta imagine is was a misstep not a character flaw.
Dude seems like a genuine guy and the folks in the comments (fans and retailers) are showing a lot of love and appreciation for the lengths he goes to take care of his supporters.
Now I know you had your experience. You got your reasons. I get that. Totally valid. And the IG story isn’t the greatest look. But no one’s perfect. Me personally, I’m going to give all actions equal weight and take the good shit into account too.
Like I said in an earlier post, the dude’s books do it for me. And I’m seeing him with a lot of love and respect for readers and shop owners, and that’s enough for me.
Love and peace y’all.
Stake = Buffy the Vampire Slayer