Our very own Gbess has done it again! This one is for all you Star Wars Bounty Hunter fans out there and maybe you Amazing Spider-Man #129 cover art fans.
This time, we get a great homage to a classic Amazing Spider-Man cover with what’s the likely front runner favorite Bounty Hunter from Star Wars being hunted by none other than the Emperor’s new lethal assassin.
This giveaway is once again going to have 2 winners picked for a printing from the original he made. How do you win? All you have to do is comment here or in the forums with your answer to this question:
Who is your favorite Star Wars Character and why?
(If you don’t answer the question, well, at least put your name but let’s make this fun people).
These are 11″ x 17″ litho prints from the original for those who are wondering.
He’s got 5 of these also for sale at $25 a piece. Contact me or DM him directly on the forums to arrange if you just wanna buy one outright.
Rules are simple:
- Comment here in this article or on the forums with the answer to the question above (unless you want to be lame and just comment with your name). Your comment needs to include a good email address in the email field as that’s how we’ll contact you. Don’t post your email in your comment though.
- One entry per person. (yes, we can verify)
- Two winners will be randomly drawn on Sunday February 28th, 2021 around 7:00 PM CST.
- We ask that entrants are U.S. domestic only at this time.
- Winners will have 24 hours to claim their prize after notification, if no response, we draw for another winner out of the remaining names thrown in the hat.
Good Luck!
Gabriel Cruz My favorite of coarse is HONDO OHNAKA!!
oh shoot it said not to put it in the comment! LOL
I fixed..
Steven Ciannavei
Darth Vader takes my pick because besides being a badass, he was the whole crux of the story. His bloodline is central and his story of conflict , to me , is very human and very real. He ends up being the good guy he was always meant to be.
Joseph Fraser
Just FYI, you don’t have to put your full name.. if you answer the question. We capture the name in the Name field when commenting, etc.
Sith Lord Count Dooku was played by one of my favorite actors, the late, great, Christopher Lee
K2SO, he is so sassy yet also very humble.
Han solo. He is a rebal and the black sheep.
I know I don’t qualify for the draw, being in Canada and all, but I’m commenting anyway. Obi Wan – he was the epitome of Jedi.
– Jonny Hall
I’ll get with Gbess to see if he’s okay in sending to Canada or if someone outside the U.S. is willing to help pay for shipping. The last drawing I got these in protective tubes and under 12 ounces, so First Class was only around 5 bucks..
If I won this beauty, I’d gladly pay shipping! Thanks Poyo!
I like the ewoks. They are cute.
My favorite is Ahsoka!!
Absolute Vader, the longest #1 villian in history, merciless and influential in his prime.
Darth Revan! Such a cool looking design and a super Bad Ass Sith Lord!
Luke Skywalker – When I was a kid he was magical and made me feel like I could be him.
Mike C.
Han Solo for sure. Selfish bad boy turned do a good deed daily. For love and friendship and its just the right thing to do.
Because he has generations of infinite wisdom.
My favorite Han. I was the right age and he just stuck.
Darth Vader. He is the ultimate bad guy…..
I imagine he’s the overall top answer but I’ve got to go with Vader. One of the greatest villains ever
Darth Maul, because he walks softly and carries a big stick.
My favorite character is Darth Vader because he’s the ultimate badass.
Han Solo