Scout Comics has partnered with Comic Tags to release Digital Comics with Collectible Cards. We are giving away two sets, see below:
(Contest details at the bottom)
Comic Tags has launched and is mixing digital comics with collectible cards, giving digital readers a new way to collect comics.
COMIC TAGS is a way to both distribute and collect digital comic books that addresses some of the biggest problems that comic publishers and comic collectors face. COMIC TAGS are a hybrid of comic books and trading cards.
Don Handfield, partner and board member of Scout says “I always felt like digital sales for comics were not near the numbers they should be. Digital comics should be for comic publishers what the CD was for the music labels or DVDs were for film studios. But digital comic sales account for less than 8-9% of overall sales industry wide. I think this is because collectors want something they can touch and feel. Collectors want to collect.”
James Haick III, COMIC TAGS founder and President, who also happens to be a partner at SCOUT, came up with a unique solution to this problem with ComicTags. “As a lifelong collector, I have hundreds of comic boxes in my house and storage unit that are difficult to access and unwieldy to handle. I can’t easily read the comics I have collected. Digital comics should solve this problem, but I never loved digital comics because I couldn’t touch them or feel them — so it never felt like actually ‘collecting’ anything.”
Contest details: All you have to do is like and retweet our Comic Tags post on our Twitter Account for your chance to enter
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