Welcome to this weeks spec. This is where we pick the winners each week we (or shall I say myself) think will be spec worthy, a great read or just cool looking art on the cover.
Marvel Picks
W.E.B. of Spider-Man #1 (of 5) (2nd Ptg Gurihiru Variant) for those on the Harley Keener bandwagon and feel he’s going to be more than just a theme park character.
Sinister War #1 (of 4) kicks off the Spider-Man event. I’m a long time fan of Doc Ock as one of Spidey’s long time antagonist. He’s got a new Sinister Six team. The only thing I’m worried about is Spencer still on writing duties. His current ASM run has been pretty lackluster.
So many covers and variants for this one, here’s the list:
Sinister War #1 (of 4) (Bagley Wraparound Variant)
Sinister War #1 (of 4) (Bagley Connecting Variant)
Sinister War #1 (of 4) (Nauck Headshot Variant) – I’m not big on these but this one I do like, it reminds me of the Silver Age ASM #55.
Sinister War #1 (of 4) (Frank Variant)
Sinister War #1 (of 4) (Veregge Variant) – Pretty slick variant from Veregge.
Sinister War #1 (of 4) (Ngu Variant) – Probably my favorite variant cover.
Sinister War #1 (of 4) (Handbook Variant)
Sinister War #1 (of 4) (Vicentini Variant)
Sinister War #1 (of 4) (Ditko Hidden Gem Variant)
Sinister War #1 (of 4) (Ferreira Variant)
Sinister War #1 (of 4) (Frank Virgin Variant)
Sinister War #1 (of 4) (Nakayama Homage Variant)
A new Aliens book hits shelves. As an Alien fan, I’m always down for another title.
Aliens Aftermath #1
Aliens Aftermath #1 (Ron Lim Variant)
Now the Star Wars picks.
Star Wars War of the Bounty Hunters #2 (of 5)
Star Wars War of the Bounty Hunters #2 (of 5) (Camuncoli Headshot Variant)
Star Wars War of the Bounty Hunters #2 (of 5) (Trading Card Variant)
Star Wars War of the Bounty Hunters #2 (of 5) (JTC Action Figure Variant)
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #12 (War of the Bounty Hunters)
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #12 (Sprouse Lucasfilm 50th Variant War of the Bounty Hunters)
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #12 (Camuncoli Headshot Variant War of the Bounty Hunters)
DC Picks
Nice House on the Lake #1 gets a second printing. Might be worth a grab considering the first print went on to receive some success on the secondary.
Indie and Small Publisher Picks
Eve #3 (of 5) (Cover A – Anindito)
Eve #3 (of 5) (Cover B – Pendergast)
Haha #6 (of 6) (Cover B – Morazzo & Ohalloran) – Is a great new Seuss homage.
The Boys #1 (Dynamite Ed) – Can’t be bothered buying an original at the premium value, now you can get the Dynamite edition.
Orcs #6 (of 6) (Cover A – Larsen) – I don’t know what I’m looking at on this cover but I like it for some odd reason. Is anyone reading Orcs? I’m now curious whether I should pick these up to read or not.
Now all the Nottingham additional prints that are hitting store shelves which have turned into decent flips for the most part if you’re actually able to nab them.
Nottingham #1 (of 5) (5th Ptg)
Nottingham #2 (of 5) (4th Ptg)
Nottingham #3 (of 5) (3rd Ptg)
Nottingham #4 (of 5) (2nd Ptg)
Gonna be tough to get anything higher than a CGC 5.0 on those Nice House on the Lake 2nd prints. LOL.
Spencer’s run on ASM hasn’t been that bad, but I much preferred him in Superior Foes and The Fix. Great humor in those books. I think some creators that are given the elite/legacy characters in comics sometimes clam up a bit. Spencer’s sense of humor hasn’t shined in this run as much. Still a step up from where Dan Slott ended up with Spidey. Same thing when John Layman was on Detective, the signature humor was lacking (perhaps tougher with broody Batman).
His Superior Foes was some awesome reading. Probably one of my favorite Marvel runs in the past decade of reading comics.
Definitely up there for me too, the Silvermane head was hilarious. Check out The Fix if you haven’t read it, it’s pretty damn funny as well.
Yeah, the Fix was great as well. That’s the type of stuff Spencer should stick with.