Quick Spoilers – Sinister War #4 – The End?

Sinister War #4 is the final chapter in the Nick Spencer’s “event book”. I have had a bunch of requests for the series but up until now, not much has happened.

Spoilers follow. Just click the pages to scroll through them. You’ve been warned, once seen you can’t unsee. So if you don’t like spoilers, stop now!

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3 thoughts on “Quick Spoilers – Sinister War #4 – The End?”

  1. Thank you so much.Things are gonna ramp up in the next 2 issues and one of them is a 96 page ultra size.Please keep covering it

  2. And love the strange theory and even though ai don’t think evidence lines up I hope to god this is what happens.

  3. There’s definitely a plan to bring or rather ressurect Boomerang and I hope they turn Sandman back into a hero again.

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