Since came bagged on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBay trends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay
sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics: (Please note, potential spoilers do follow, and, these results are for auction that closed last week. )
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#10 INCREDIBLE HULK #449 | MARVEL | 1997
The Thunderbolts continue to be one of the top contenders to appear in near-future MCU projects. While there’s no confirmation of the team appearing anytime soon, there’s enough groundwork laid out for their possible inclusion. This constant speculation brought The Thunderbolt’s first appearance back to the COVRPRICE Top 10 this week with 18 copies sold, a 7-day trend of 159%, and had a high sale of $335 for a CGC 9.6. However, 9.8-graded copies are selling for a FMV of $647 with raw copies at a FMV of $177.
#9 NOVA #1 | MARVEL | 2013
Speculation is still holding out that we’ll see the Sam Alexandar version of Nova in the MCU sooner rather than later (quite possibly in GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 3). With his first appearance already hot Marvel Point One #1 (2011), collectors are already jumping onto his more affordable first ongoing series from 2013. It sold 22 copies, had a 7-day trend of 142%, and had a high sale of $102.50 for a CGC 9.6. Raw copies currently have a FMV of $13. There are some fantastic variants for this series. Check out the Adi Granov London Super Con variant and the Marcos Martin 1:50 variant. Those are two of our favorites.
#8 WORLD WAR HULK #1 | MARVEL | 2007
Unconfirmed reports of a World War Hulk film in development at Marvel continue to persist. This first issue of the series flooded sites like eBay after this news hit. With 68 copies sold last week, the market moved a little slower this week and sold 15 copies with a 7-day trend of 226% and a high sale of $60 for a raw copy.
#7 AVENGERS #232 | MARVEL | 1983
This first appearance of Eros as Starfox and his inclusion as a new member of the Avengers has cemented this book as the “go-to” issue for the character. This issue is still hot and sold 29 copies with a 7-day trend of 124%, and had a high sale of $750 for a CGC 9.8.
DC’s highly successful partnership with Fortnite is back with this new Foundation series. Following the pattern that the first partnership had earlier in the year, all issues are hitting significant market sales by volume. The heat of This issue is due to the included code to download The Batman Who Laughs Fortnite skin/costume. It’s fun to think that new readers will be introduced to this character for the first time, giving his first full appearance in TEEN TITANS #12 (2017) a slight boost in market interest. Batman/Fortnite Foundation #1 – Alex Garner Variant sold 53 copies, had a 7-day trend of 125%, and had a high sale of $26 for a raw copy (though the FMV is trending at $10).
#5 OLD HAUNTS #1 | AWA | 2020
It was recently reported by Variety that “Artists, Writers, and Artisans (AWA) has tapped Aaron Rabin to adapt its graphic fiction series “Old Haunts.” This marks the second feature film project from AWA Studios, the recently launched film, and TV studio arm for AWA. This is the first project announced that the company is financing development internally. AWA Studios’ President Zach Studin will produce the picture.” While this project still has a long road ahead, it still sold 16 copies, had a 7-day trend of 509%, and had a high sale of $30 for a raw copy.
This highly anticipated series was scorching up the aftermarket in presales for months now. With its release last week, this in-demand red foil cover disappeared from shops quickly, turning collectors to online sales where it sold 51 copies, had a 7-day trend of 212%, and had a high sale of $69 for a CGC 9.8 presale, though the book is trending at a raw FMV of $14.
#3 BLACK WIDOW #12 | MARVEL | 2021
This Adam Hughes cover was trending this week due to it featuring the first appearance of two new characters, The Host and The Living Blade. It’ll take some time to establish these characters, however, The Living Blade is already being set up to play a threatening role for Natasha. These first appearances helped this issue sell 79 copies, had a 7-day trend of 220%, and had a high sale of $20.49 for a raw copy.
#2 X-MEN #95 | MARVEL | 1999
This issue features the first appearance of the Skrull named Fiz, whom many are speculating will be played by actor Killian Scott. This is the second speculated (and obscure) Skrull to have their first appearance trend in aftermarket sales (the other was Paibok the Power Skrull, whose first was in FANTASTIC FOUR #358). Fiz’s first appearance in X-Men #95 sold 58 copies, had a 7-day trend of 467%, and had a high sale of $30 for a raw copy.
Of course, Boom!’s House of Slaughter by James Tynion IV takes the #1 spot this week with the virgin one-per-store variant. These were very tough to get in person as copies were most likely claimed weeks in advance. Collectors had to turn to online sales, which helped move 46 copies with a 7-day trend of 707% and had a high sale of $69 for a raw copy. However, due to the many copies currently listed, the FMV is currently at $35.