Spoilers: Teen Titans Academy #12 – Red X Revealed, Say What?

Teen Titans Academy #12 is in stores tomorrow. It gives us the identity of Red X, well, kinda. You will see what I mean so check out the spoilers below:

Spoilers follow. Just click the pages to scroll through them. You’ve been warned, once seen you can’t unsee. So if you don’t like spoilers, stop now!

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7 thoughts on “Spoilers: Teen Titans Academy #12 – Red X Revealed, Say What?”

  1. So The real Red X stabs Brick and runs off…while the entire team watches Brick die…no one tries to subdue Red X? They just let him walk?

    1. A literal crap ton of copies have sold. Most for around $4.99. Most recent sale was 10 copy lot for $29.99. I feel bad for those spend $70 for 9.8 copies. I dunno man. He appears to die this issue and there is still another Red X running around.

  2. Sad that this is the best D.C. can come up with to compete with Strange Academy. Strange Academy = fun and they go to school dances and the characters are fun. D.C. there’s just simply nothing fun about this. I collected so much D.C. up until 2 years ago. Now, nothing. I credit Agent Poyo for starting to poison me. From there my dislike for them took off and now I only will buy a Sienkiewicz ratio variant here or there. They are so out of touch with what fans want. This Red X crapola isn’t it. What a terrible ending to a year long build up. And thinking Dick (Rik now? to make him cool) Greyson was/is his Dad. How old is Dick Greyson now? 36? He then has to be like 44 years old now! How old is Batman? 52? I’m so confused D.C. Just please make it stop. They need to pay Donnie Cates Millions to come in and re create the entire narrative of the D.C. Universe because it is just plain bad. I like some Sean Murphy White Knight Black Label books. Let Sean Murphy take over and script the whole Universe.

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