Chu 9th Anniversary

Quick note of thanks to everyone who hangs out here and on the forums. Two days ago, CHU turned 9 years old.

I want to say thanks to all the readers and all the contributors who have been here over the years. As we go into the 10th year of doing the site, I just want to mention how thankful I am that this little site has listed this long.

When it started, I never expected to be doing it for 9 years. I never would have thought CHU would get 20,000,000 views, I never expected to grow off a strong community on the forums.

We will be announcing another giveaway later this week. Something cool.

Anyway, thanks again for the past 9 years. I appreciate you all.

13 thoughts on “Chu 9th Anniversary”

  1. This is amazing! Congratulations and thank you for many great years. I have lurked and occasionally contributed for so many years now I think I’ve been here the past 400 or so Tuesday nights to increase my love of the hobby (and make a buck or two back). The forums were an amazing growth. I rarely go anywhere else when chasing comic insight and discussion. This is an amazing community that you and many others have created and I hope it continues to thrive. CHEERS!

  2. Great site congrats I’ve always enjoyed the articles as well as the forum .I have tried repeatedly to join the forum but have never been successful with resetting my password (in case you can provide any help) but enjoy reading the back and forth and the great tips

    1. Yes, claims you are a member already and have logged in. If you forgot the password, click the reset. Are you actually getting the reset email to click and change? Make sure to check spam folder just in case as well. You have to click within a day or so, the token reset url expires.

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