4 thoughts on “Spoilers: Avengers #58 – Ghost Ronin”
Not feeling the membership new and old like Namor how about Sundragon as a new member of the Avengers she’s been obscure way too long time for this character to be a major player in the MU.
Pretty cool, think we’ll ever see him again?
Probably. Cates loves using Aaron’s characters. You never know.
Well, he has mentioned numerous times that Jason Aaron is his all time favorite writer.
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Not feeling the membership new and old like Namor how about Sundragon as a new member of the Avengers she’s been obscure way too long time for this character to be a major player in the MU.
Pretty cool, think we’ll ever see him again?
Probably. Cates loves using Aaron’s characters. You never know.
Well, he has mentioned numerous times that Jason Aaron is his all time favorite writer.