The story starts off with two elder gods coming to earth to celebrate their love, with bloodshed. The Avengers 1,000,000 BC put an end to it, but not before losing one of their own, Black Panther. Phoenix is rather annoyed with Odin, and the Avengers do not assemble again, for a while at least.
8 thoughts on “Spoilers: Avengers 1,000,000 BC – Thor is related to WHO now?”
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You gonna post HULK #8: BANNER OF WAR finale?
Eh, no. I read it and it just was kind of a non thing. I can tell you though, Mjolnir is used on the heads of Thor and Hulk and they return to their normal selves. Hulk flies out into space. Thor tells the Avengers that Hulk is dead. Thats it really.
No appearance of Titan? No cool battles or true victor? Can you send me pics via Twitter?
I didn’t bother to take pictures as it was kind of a dull ending
So you just skimmed it? xD
I try to read as many of the new releases in a 2 hour time window. Some times I miss things. Other times not so much. But with that compressed time frame I try to post the best spoilers possible. Did you read it yet? Did I miss something on this one?
I have to say that is the most stupidest retcon I’ve ever seen Groot related to Thor that’s ridiculous retcon it to something else like Groot is related to no one this is Jason Aaron’s handing work I sense that.
Associating Thor with trees is part of Norse mythology. He came to Earth in a thunderstorm that rains to make fields fertile for plants to grow. One silly comic shows his chariot pulled by goats.