Dirty D’s F.O.C. (7/14/24)

Hey my CHU friends! Dirty D’s FOC is back after a one week hiatus! I did not originally plan to skip last week, but I had family visiting and I had only a few books flagged in my research…so things got busy quick and I just decided to take an unannounced break (sorry about that). But absence makes the heart grow fonder, and we’re back this week! And it’s a much better week than last for sure.



Amazing Spider-Man #55 (Disco Variant)

Normally these “Dazzler” variants are pretty meh, but who can resist Disco Spidey?! Doing the Mirror Ball impersonation, no less! And the Saturday Night Fever homage in the upper left is awesome. You never know, we could see a disco Spidey in the MCU some day…and this book could see a quick spike for a New York minute. And for those reasons this is the Dirty D Cover of the Week!



One of the best things to come out of the Immortal Iron Fist classic series by Brubaker/Fraction and Aja was Orson Randall, an Iron Fist that preceded Daniel Rand during the WW1 era…he actually trained Daniel’s father (Wendell)…so he’s connected to him in that way. He’s also bad ass as he is somewhat of a gunslinger as well as trained in martial arts. He eventually died 6 issues after being introduced, but I’ve always felt he was a character with a lot of potential. Anyway, he is on the cover to the Aja variant…not sure if he’ll make an appearance this issue.


Faxes & Reprints


This book needs no explanation. No one is buying this fax for the content inside,



First appearance of Plastic Man gets the fax treatment!


The reprint of the original Marvel limited series from the early 80s continues. Cover A is the original cover to issue 2. However I’m grabbing the original art of the variant (below). I’m not sure why the cover art says it’s archive edition 2 of 2 as there is a 3rd issue. Perhaps issue 3 will be an original story?



Team Firsts


May the first meeting of the Spider-Society commence! That’s right, every Spider-Character you love (and some you haven’t met yet) all show up in the same room for the most crazy meeting the Multiverse has ever seen.

Possible first appearances here, but seems to really be the first appearance of the Spider Society. But interestingly this is not the only book that will feature this new team this week…



An honorable mention goes out to Spider-Boy 10 this week, as this book releases the same week as Spider Society while it promises an appearance as well…so likely chronologically after the above book, but technically tied. And what if Spider-Society #1 gets delayed…but Spider-Boy 10 does not…? :thinking:

One to keep an eye on.




BAGRA-GHUL has come for LOGAN’s soul, but when the heat is on, who will survive – the HELLVERINE or the WOLVERINE?

Promises a battle between the two. Worth checking out. The Rajah variant (below) is a cool “reflection” cover, likely inspired by Hulk 340.



Indy Spotlight


A masterfully crafted flip book, housing two enthralling narratives that collide in unexpected ways. Each issue of “LIFE” is a flip book, housing one story from two different perspectives. A prison break and a heist both offer interlocking narratives, creating an immersive experience that will challenge your perceptions of justice while begging the immortal question: Who really wants to live forever?

Not really a fan of these oversize/prced DSTLRY books. But this one is different and unique.



“Superpowered.” Here, that word has a specific technical definition. Namely, “any individual with the destructive capacity of the nuclear arsenal of the USA.” There are six such people on Earth. The planet’s survival relies on them never coming into conflict. The eternal fight against fighting starts now.

Ongoing series that tells a story of peace through Mutual Assured Distruction (MAD) but through super heroes.


Pick of the Week


As Eddie and Dylan Brock’s father/son war breaks out, ANOTHER Dylan Brock is on a mission to make sure things go the way they’re supposed to. And he’s an OLDER Dylan Brock.

Not the best pick of the week for sure, but it does have a few thing going for it. It’s a first appearance of a “real” Old Man Venom (technically old man wolverine with a Symbiote isn’t really venom…it takes a Brock to make it Venom…). Also a nice Homage cover of the popular ASM 129. I believe Old Man (Dylan) Brock is also a first cover for that character. And for those reasons this book is the Dirty D Pick-Of-The-Week!