Seriously, I cannot freaking wait for this movie. Mostly because it looks so good, but also because I have years of Deadpool books I am going to release on eBay and hopefully be rolling in the loot. But anyway, the new Deadpool IMAX trailer:
Not anything new but the public service announcement beforehand sure is funny.
Looks like I’ll have to keep an eye on your auctions then. Unless you email me and ask me for some keys you know I have and we trade out. And then I give you awesomeness and receive awesomeness. Is that what this will be Tony?!
This movie will be sploogetastic. Is that too vulgar?
Nicc. I need to get them all in one place and get a list together for you. Might take a long while.
No worries bud. If you get time you can. We’ll both be busy this week I’m sure cause of Christmas. These kids get expensive 🙂 . If you want to do some trade or see what I got feel free to let me know. I got some more WD 100 2nd prints still too. Plus a bunch of other stuff.