Lootcrate theme and item details 

This month’s theme is Versus. While I wasn’t originally in for it, I have changed my mind once I saw the preview of the items in this month’s box. Check it out:
The proposed items below are blacked out but you can see the items are for Marvel, Star Trek (meh), Alien vs Predator, Daredevil vs Punisher, Batman vs Superman and more. 
The T-Shirt is a given. The vinyl figure is clearly a Dorbz. 

5 thoughts on “Lootcrate theme and item details ”

  1. I was going to unsubscribe, but after last month’s dead them, I am going to stay with it for another month and see how it goes from there.

  2. I was going to cancel but I’ll hold off as well. I’m really hoping for a really cool Daredevil vs Punisher item.. I was never a huge Daredevil fan until recently but I’ve always been a Punisher fan.
    Can’t go wrong with Aliens and Predator as well.

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