14 thoughts on “Walking Dead The Alien by Brian K Vaughn available for download”

  1. I would welcome BKV to take over for Kirkman, it would actually be a big big improvement (not to ding Kirkman but BKV is still the superior writer out of the two).

    1. Idk man. I like BKV and I’m happy with a one shot, but if he has another big focus it would take away from Saga. Ad we can’t have Saga being terrible.

      1. I’m willing to bet BKV already has Saga all written for the most part. He does have Paper Girls as well. I doubt Kirkman would hand over his baby though.

      2. You’re right. If he has finished Saga then it would be amazing to have him on Walking Dead.

    2. What if those two did actually trade titles for a while? BKV takes over TWD and Kirkman takes over Saga and Paper Girls

  2. That was my first ever download of a comic, now i need to know if she makes it there ????

    1. Look for her on Fear the Walking Dead. She was on the overturned Sailboat…. That would have been cool. Or if they have her sail up with the survivors on Fear and mention Rick

      1. Yeah, I don’t buy much in digital either. I may by the hardcover some day but I hate reading stuff in the widescreen format and that’s how that book was printed is my understanding.

  3. That was an awesome read! But yeah, a print copy would be fantastic. Perhaps this may serve as a test run to see if fans would support a spinoff with stories by other creators?

  4. Theres so much scope for where spinoffs could go, countries with Marshial law, countries with post zombie recovery, last Human in the UK ???

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