The Activity by Nathan Edmondson


Maybe it’s due to the coverage about it’s realism in the USA Today, maybe it’s due to the movie deal tweeted, but Image Comics has another breakout success (on the secondary market that is) with Nathan Edmondson and Mitch Gerards The Activity.  Regardless, the secondary market movement is bringing in new readers to this already growing book.   

This one is seeing huge growth on eBay with issue one closing as high as $61.

This 11 issue series, to date, is also seeing some of the other early issues heating up.

here is a #2 in non-nm that closed a few hours after it was listed:

and a #3 that did the same:

and a #1 that already has movement with 4 watchers in less than 24 hours:

Seriously not many listed on e-bay. Search your local stores for this one.