Wednesday Open Forum


Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)

We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.

The 222nd edition of the open forum!

As always we also want to hear about your weekly pickups.
So, What were your pick ups?
What had disappeared off the shelves?
What was sitting on the shelves?
What back issue deals did you grab?

81 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Forum”

  1. sabrina 1 hughes virgin is hott as fire right now, despite a shill bidder buy nows are hitting 185

    1. Store variants blow donkeys. That Hughes virgin is a store variant. You can get the same artwork w/ trade dress for $4 in 2 months, when the book is released.

    2. i dont know why that cover wasnt doing it for me and i knew it would be worth something being a hughes cover but i just couldnt bring myself to order it

  2. Ads are getting outrageous all over place can’t even read half the article or see half the comment box when typing.

      1. I haven’t seen any Geico ads. Is this the popup in the bottom right hand corner perhaps?

        And yes, it seems “auto placement” was getting out of hand. I’ve made some adjustments but it might take a day or so before they changes get picked up.

        Ads help cover the cost of running the site and such but I don’t want you readers to think we’re bankrupt and poor.

        1. The ones I got were almost dead middle of the screen over the first paragraph and below on the comment box.

            1. That overlay on the bottom right is driving me nuts. Totally happy to help if you want to set me up with a user account. Otherwise I can try to backseat drive. I’m a WP dev for a large retail companies’ content team, but I’m also a stranger, so I won’t be offended either way 🙂

    1. I noticed it too and put in a message about the number of ads they are auto placing it should be fixed tomorrow. Sorry about it. We are still trying to iron everything out.

    2. How’s it looking now? Seems to be less ads within the articles for me when doing test views.

      1. I noticed the plethora of ads too, recently. But, it seems to be much, much better as of now. The popup in the bottom right is quite obtrusive when leaving a reply in my phone. With the keyboard and the pop up, there is maybe 20% of your screen left open to write text.

        1. We’re working with them to make those inline and possibly removing the popup, as it annoys me as well.

          1. I am learning to live with it, but I could see how it might discourage newer users from participating. All my posts here are, currently, for constructive purposes only.

            1. I welcome any and all feedback. We want to make CHU the best experience for readers and as much as I despise ads on websites myself, well, running a website isn’t cheap.

              So speak up I say, it’s the only way we can make it better.

              CHU out grew the free hosting at and it’s limited as well, since we have some plans that the free WordPress site could not offer.

      2. On the old site, when someone would reply to your comment, there was an orange alert at the top right of my screen, indicating a reply. That seems to be gone. Is there a way to get something like that back? I found it useful when engaged in a convo in one of the comment sections.

        1. I’m getting my “Comment” notification now as I found the orange highlight notification useful as well when new comments were made. Are you logged into WordPress?

            1. I had same issue. I think most of the headaches now will go away since the old wordpress site has been removed.

  3. As of now, just Immortal Hulk 12 x 2 and pre-ordered Aquaman 44 x 5. I’ll be looking for spoilers here to see if I’m adding any books to the list 🙂

  4. Anyways, I bought some comics this week Super Chillers #1-15 for $40 + $4 shipping. I really hope it gets here before I move and don’t have to break in to my old mail box to get it since it was shipped media mail. Also I think might already have this run, I know I have a good amount of the Living Mummy books.

    1. Why? Is her mutant power the inability to gain weight? Otherwise, leave her alone. Mutants have feelings too, Alana. ?

    1. You know, it’s one thing to model your outline from a sculpture but that’s just downright copying. Perhaps he got permission since both books are on DC covers and they ultimately own the cover art I would imagine with just credits due to the cover artists. Maybe Oliver told him he could use it. It sure would be nice for them to explain..

    2. Unreal. Im getting the impression that he is in this to make a quick buck. Pump out as much as he can before he gets black listed in the working community of comic creators.

  5. Peace Fam.

    It’s a light week, thank God. Just Moongirl 39. I pull it for my daughters. Enjoy a great week everyone. 1

  6. Pick ups this week:
    Grumble (variant)
    Moongirl #39
    Die!Die!Die! #7

    Spec pick ups
    Shredder Goes to Hell #1 (Albuquerque 1:10 variant 2 copies for $10 each)
    Detective 995 Cover A for cover price

    Good hunting everyone!

  7. Immortal Hulk 12 is now a ghost in my town. 3 stops – 0 left copies at Shop #1, 4 at another where I pulled 2, guy behind me got 1 while a phone call literally all at the same time pulled the other. 3rd and final stop – 1 copy that I grabbed. Looks to be one of the winners – eBay up to $20+ shipped

    1. I’m surprised… my shop had plenty, and I only picked up 2… after reading this though I emailed them asking them to pull 2 more lol.

    2. I’m on vacation in Florida, glad I added it to my pull list! Not sure if I’ll get to a shop today or this week.

    3. Hulk 12 is a ghost on my area too. I agree. I think we have a winner. Hopefully the ugly GotG and Conan variants will bring down the print run on cover A. ?

    1. Yes he was.
      Once he became eligible.
      Didn’t you say that he would be rushed in prior to normal eligibility when he died and I said no he won’t he will get in when he’s eligilible? Was that you i had that argument with? I couldn’t remember who it was.

  8. This is the first Wednesday in years that I haven’t taken an early lunch to be to my LCS(s) as they open. I’ve messaged ahead and got all the books I want (including the variants I pre-ordered) put in my hold. Now I’ll see if I can go pick them up without diving into back issues and quarter bins!

    1. As for my pickups, it’s these:

      GOTG #1 Parel Variant & B/W Party Variant
      Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man Hitch Variant
      Immortal Hulk #12

    2. I use to line up at my first stop every Wednesday at 9:00 AM before working (either remote or going into office). I stopped since they’ve cut back tremendously on indie books and getting most variants (which they would sit out at cover price).

  9. Wonder Woman “B” cover for next week is sold out at midtown already and there arent many offerings on Ebay yet.

  10. My pickups this week…

    Aquaman B
    Batman A
    Justice League B
    Naomi B – I will give 1st issue a read & see if it warrants further interest
    Shazam A
    Teen Titans A
    Crypt of Shadows (JTC variant)
    Friendly Neighborhood Spidey (Hitch variant)
    Guardians of Galaxy (Parel variant)
    Immortal Hulk A x 3
    Man of Fear (Shalvey variant)
    Moon Girl & DD
    Superior Spidey (Hawthorne variant)
    Uncanny X-Men Annual B
    Oliver A
    Blossoms 666 (cover D by Hack & cover E by Malhotra)
    Mall A

    War is Hell one shot (Checcetto variant) no where to be found at 3 shops. Saw 2 Land variants, but not happy with condition. Then flipped through the book, wasn’t impressed, and decided to pass on it altogether.

    Decent stock of Immortal Hulk 12 A at 1st shop, but dwindling supply at last 2 shops. There didn’t seem to be much demand for cover B, and I don’t recall seeing any cover C. Cover A back in stock at Midtown.

    My initial interest in the Guardians of the Galaxy (Ribic variant) was low b/c it isn’t a team pic, but then I saw a really nice copy and it is growing on me. I’m thinking of pulling the trigger on this one (for just under $20). Ribic has a unique style and his work is really appealing.

    Blossoms 666 looks interesting…hopefully it is a good read. It was only in stock at my reg. LCS and they had less than 10 copies. I was only going to get the Hack variant, but couldn’t resist the Malhotra variant too.

  11. Anyone else get guardians #1 premiere variant at cover price? No? Just me?


    But seriously, I hope someone else managed to as well.

    1. Yes, b/ w version. Only one shop in my area is cool like that and gets majority of my business as a result. Comic karma.

  12. Little lighter week, in part due to the fact that I forgot to include Immortal Hulk #12 on my pull list (and now sold out, of course – doh!). Other books sold out or nearly gone – Aquaman #44, Naomi #1, Freedom Fighters #2, Crypt of Shadows #1 & War is Hell #1. Plenty of Superior Spider-Man #2 and FNSM #2 left on the table. Here’s the pull:

    Aquaman #44 (Cover A Robson Rocha & Daniel Henriques)
    Aquaman #44 (Cover B Rafael Albuquerque)
    Batman #63 (Cover A Mikel Janin)
    Batman #63 (Cover B Tony S. Daniel)
    Curse Of Brimstone Annual #1
    Damage #13
    Freedom Fighters #2 (Of 12)
    Justice League #16 (Cover B Will Conrad)
    Shazam #2 (Cover A Dale Eaglesham), $3.99
    Shazam #2 (Cover B Chris Samnee)
    Sideways #12
    Teen Titans #26 (Cover B Alex Garner)
    Wild Storm #19 (Cover B Marley Zarcone)
    Oliver #1 (Cover A Darick Robertson)
    Avengers #13 (Cover A Steve Epting)
    Crypt Of Shadows #1 (Cover A Kyle Hotz)
    Guardians Of The Galaxy #1 (Cover A David Marquez)
    Silver Surfer #14 (Facsimile Edition)
    Star Wars #60 (Cover A Jamal Campbell)
    True Believers Conan The Secret Of Skull River #1
    True Believers King Conan #1
    War Is Hell #1 (Cover A Dan Panosian)

  13. not sure if it was Dax Hansen who solved the pop-up issue for this site but I’m not getting all those annoying ads anymore, so thanks Dax if it was you

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