Welcome to the One Week Later Report for 2021. Skipped last week that would have included books from 07/21/2021 so I might throw a few books from that week in the mix as well.
This week we’ll mainly cover the books released on 07/28/2021, which was last week.
These can be books that were simply overlooked or we anticipated getting hot, total surprise winners and perhaps books that got hyped, ending up as complete duds. Also could be a good list to use when out picking up this weeks books for you Wednesday Warriors..
Star Wars Adventures #7 saw it’s sales peak around the $10 range but things have since settled with a few recent solds now hovering around the cover price range. It’s a hold for me, I think we’ll be seeing more of this character in the future. So if you missed out, you can now find these for basically cover on the secondary market.
Usagi Yojimbo #20 Second Print is seeing sales as high as $20. Not a bad pickup if you can find them out in the wild. Could be one of those you definitely hold for the long term since the character has been slated to be ongoing. Future fans will be seeking this one out for years to come.
Department of Truth #1 6th Printing got the error treatment. Sales all over the place. Remember folks, retailers are getting replacement copies for the errors.
Marvel is seeing some love for it’s Black Knight Curse of the Ebony Blade #5 which has Jacks as first time being the Black Knight. This has caused most to seek out the Cabal Variant for Black Knight Curse of the Ebony Blade #1 as it’s seeing sales $20 and up..
Shang Chi #3 Cho Variant is an easy $75 book if you found for cheap. The only listing now on eBay has the seller trying to pump it for $199.99. Maybe they should look at the trends though as it’s peak never went over the $100 mark.
Now on with some of the books from July 21st, as I missed last weeks report.
Star Wars High Republic Adventures #6 is first of all, a great cover and secondly, doing pretty good on the secondary. These are just must pickups. If you aren’t pulling or subscribing to any of these High Republic series, well, you should even if you aren’t a Star Wars fan or want to read them.
If you missed out on the Usagi Yojimbo #21 Soo Lee variant, you can likely snag this for under $10 on the secondary now. Great cover and now what could be a great price to those who missed out and or have patience.
If you missed out on the Star Wars War of the Bounty Hunters Jabba the Hutt #1 Chang variant, well then, you can now find this for cover price or a bit over on the secondary now. Sales only reached around the $8 price mark from a quick lookover but this one’s a hold and also, most were likely seeking out the 1:25 Coello Variant (an easy $45 to $60 book still) with the new character also on the cover, making it the more desirable book to own. Give this one time I think. Marvel pays attention to sales so when they see demand of a character, they’ll take advantage to bring them back to boost their revenue with such property.
Deva Lompop, stupid name aside, is a really cool character. Plenty of depth, scope for further use, tie ins to High Republic (given lifespan), plus rule of cool make this a must pick up for me
SW Adventures 7 also worth grabbing at cover for long term hold. Rule of cool here too