FOC is the last chance to put in your orders with your comic shops and likely get at a discount for pre-ordering. Here’s a few of the highlights for this week…
I just got a few picks this week…..
The one to grab a copy or two and hold for the long term goes to Death of Venomverse #4 (of 5) (Ken Niimura Design Variant).
Character has potential of what they could do with her I think.
Ghost Rider #18 is another pick along with the Ghost Rider #18 ((Retailer 25 Copy Incentive Variant) Declan Shalvey Variant). When was the last time we saw a ratio for Ghost Rider? I also really like Shalvey’s artwork, definitely an overlooked and underrated artist in my opinion.
As a longtime fan of Lemire’s writing, I had to back the original kickstarter hardcover but now it’s in trade format for all those who are interested:
New York Times-bestselling writers JEFF LEMIRE (GIDEON FALLS, DESCENDER) and MATT KINDT (BANG!, MIND MGMT) unite with internationally acclaimed artist DAVID RUBÃ N (BEOWULF, Ether) for original graphic novel COSMIC DETECTIVE, an epic science fiction mystery that asks: When a God is murdered, who solves the crime?
Enter our detective. The murder of a god threatens to tear apart the very fabric of our reality, and only he stands in the way of utter destruction. Will the mystery he uncovers be worse than the disaster he’s trying to avert? And will his mind crack under the revelations he’s about to uncover before he can do anything about it?
For the cover, which is just pretty fantastic if you ask me goes to Poison Ivy #14 (Cover F – Inc 1:25 Serg Acuna Card Stock Variant).
I like this one better than the Poison Ivy #14 (Cover G – Inc 1:50 David Nakayama Card Stock Variant) but they’re all pretty fantastic I think, the entire series. If they have an award for best cover art for entire series, it has to goto Poison Ivy.
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