Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 9/11/24

Every week, tons of new books hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are the picks of the week for delivery this Wednesday

What is up Wednesday Warriors? I know I mention slow weeks a lot, but this is a very slow week. Not much coming up so I am hoping one will pop and turn into a decent flip. Always potential for a wild card. Here is what is on tap:

New Series
Avengers Assemble #1 – New Avengers series.

Dead Eyes The Empty Frames #1 – Been a while since the first Dead Rabbit/Dead Eyes series. The world’s most unkillable comic is out of hiding and back stomping around Boston. At the end of the first volume, the masked hood known as Dead Eyes picked up a clue as to the location of the paintings swiped in the largest private art heist in America. Can Dead Eyes and Wheels take down the score while avoiding the cops and the mafia? Duggan and McCrea are back and knocking teeth down throats.

For the Cover

Venom War Wolverine #1 Joshua Cassara Cover – Been a while since we saw a kick-ass Wolverine/Venom cover. This one is rad.

Wolverine #1 John Tyler Christopher Negative Space – I spoke to JTC not long ago and he said some characters are hard to do Negative Space covers for, Wolverine however, lends himself nicely to them.

Pick of the Week
Wolverine #1 – 8th Volume of Wolverine kicks off with the promise of a new villain. Slow week, potential new enemy could be the win.