BEST SELLING COMICS in a world without DC and Marvel

Reprinted with permission from Terry Hoknes of Terry also writes for Investcomics.

BEST SELLING COMICS in a world without DC and Marvel – report by Terry Hoknes of

Marvel & DC have always dominated the market and basically you could say “own” the comic industry. So lets analyze the best selling comics WITHOUT any Marvel/DC titles included. This will give us a better perception of how well the other publishers sell and what titles and characters actually compete with Marvel/DC sales numbers. After reading this chart you may have a new appreciation for the smaller publishers who bring a wider and unique variety of titles to our comic shops each week.

MAY 2013 best selling comics chart.

Lets erase the 79 DC and 74 Marvel titles and see what the “other” best selling comics were!

Only 9 comics ranked in the Top 100 and these are the 9 high profile comics of the month that truly had a buzz.

Walking Dead returned back to #1 yet again. Ten Grand #1 from Image had a super strong showing with 2 different regular covers. The power of Star Wars is continually strong as sales hold steady on #5. Regular Show #1 had 6 regular covers which helped print orders making Boom’s biggest selling comic ever. Girl power was strong yet again with My Little Pony #7. The original creator of TMNT returned to the comic after many years creating a “first” of sorts. This boosted sales way up the list. Charismagic had a high print run as it was priced at only $1.00 Image Bounce #1 had decent orders but very small compared to Ten Grand. The hype of the very first Sesame Street comic ever encouraged all retailers to really take a chance on this one based on the 1970 TV series with 5 different regular covers. 6 of the 9 comics ranked high due to being a “first” of sorts.

Only 9 comics made the top 100 but 60 made the top 200 showing that there is a lot of support for indie publishers but mostly in the 10,000 to 20,000 range whereas Marvel/DC average orders are double that.

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