We ran a “buy this book” post on Friday about Burn the Orphanage #1 because the book looks to be Wednesday’s big release. Now it looks that Image comics has another sell out on its hands.
With a few days left before the book comes out, Burn the Orphanage #1 is already sold out on the distributor level and will more than likely be going back for a second print. The book (regular and Guillory variant) are already going for more than cover price.
When a book sells out on the distributor level, it does not mean that you will not be able to pick it up at your local comic shop, it means that once they are sold the store will not be able to restock. This is one books that I would recommend not sitting on the fence about. If you are considering picking it up, do so.
I got advanced copies in Friday of a store variant featuring Brandon Graham art and can tell you this book is killer. If you were a fan of the Street Fighter, Streets of Rage, or other video games in the 80’s it certainly has that feel to it.
Is the guillory variant a simple variant or an incentive???
I believe that it is a simple variant based on the sale price online stores are selling it at. Hastings has a variant and Third Eye has a variant.
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Anybody know the print run on this book? It looks pretty awesome. I’ll see if I can pick it up on Wednesday!
Went into store to look for something else and to my surprise, I see the Hastings variant of this book at cover price. Good find! :-).
Which store did you go into that had Hastings variants?
I never really caught the name. It was a small place in MD.
What city? I am heading out today and don’t want to hit shops that have already been hit.
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La Plata/California area.
Lol. I thought you were in my area. Good pick ups though. For one today and supposed to pick up more in Wednesday.
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Good looking out. Team work. Saves time and gas. Moving forward, I’ll keep you posted on future findings.
You going to Baltimore Comic Con?
Unfortunately it doesn’t look likely. I wanted the Stan Lee tickets and when those sold out, I kind of lost interest. You?
Yeah I am in.
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I thoroughly enjoyed issue #1. I liked the simplicity of the story (concept) and the art. It wasn’t anything spectacular, but that’s what made it so good. I also like how each issue seems like a one-shot with a beginning and an end. This is great. I noticed a shift in supply and demand since it’s release. Midtown is offering (1 per customer) and stores are selling out. One thing that bothers me though. The variant cover (2 of 2) has a defective print run. The back cover is wrinkled and flaw. I had to hunt down a NM copy at the stores. Just something to be mindful of for the hardcore collector. That particular cover maybe even more scarce in the secondary market later down the road due to the print run flaw. Not sure. My 2 cents.
Thanks that is something to think about. I will have to check my variant cover. I don’t think it was wrinkled but will have to double check. The third eye variant, with a print run of 1000 copies were beautiful. You are right though, the story is simple. It seems like the cut scenes to an old fighting game. It was nostalgic for me who grew up on these games.
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