I purposefully left a book off my picks of the week this week. That book was DEADLY CLASS #1. I left it off because there are seven different variants for the book, and for an Image #1 that usually means a big print run. In addition to there being a standard A and B cover, there is a Forbidden Planet variant
, an Eh! Variant
(think Canadian Phantom or Ghost Variant), a Beachballs/Laughing Ogre Cover
, Third Eye Comics Variant
, and a DCBS Variant. I also left it off because I wanted to Spotlight one of the covers. The cover I picked up and wanted to Spotlight was the sweet looking Third Eye Variant
by Harper Jayten. I have done well in the past selling their variants, and do most of my eBay sales on Phantom and Third Eye Variants.
This book has sold out and has been getting solid reviews overall, no matter what the cover, and could have potential, especially on the heels of Rick Remender’s other recent success Black Science.