Yeah, I had to do a part 2. There are a ton of good books worth spec-ing on this week and I wanted to spotlight one in a separate post. Check it out after the bump.
I love horror comics. I know I say that all the time. That is why I wanted to spotlight this book in a separate post. This one is my “Outside Shot” choice.
Fantagraphics returns to their roots with this book. Insect Bath #1 from Fantagraphics is an off the wall indie surreal horror book that will be short printed. Fantagraphics does not do large print runs. Currently there are only a few copies of Insect Bath #1 Fantagraphics
on eBay and none to be found on and none on Lone Star Comics
12 thoughts on “Comics Picks of the Week for 2/12/14 Part 2”
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I was wondering what was up with this one as midtown has sold out as well.
@Shima, I think it’s called a: COMIC HEATING UP! Obviously Flipper is getting this info to us now, but seems as though we have a bunch more ‘SHARKS’ out there in the comic spek community who are up on this book as well, and probably has had the first go at grabbing all of the cheap issues.
I have never heard of this book, but if CHU has tipped it, I’M ON THE HUNT…BET’CHA PRETTY PINK BUTTONS!
Plus, with it ALREADY being sold out at some of the larger outlets, that tells me that the book is already gaining heat and pop!
Why am I still typing when there’s a hot spek book to hunt down!
I’ll report back with my findings from the UKPONDSIDE!
Plus, I just had a look on EBAY, and I see NO issues of Insect Bath listed!
Is that good or bad???????????? Super short print run, and no one has any, or everyone has one, but are HOLDING – waiting for the price to rise, and then DUMPING them all on EBAY, and subsequently flooding the market?????????
Questions of the comic speculator!!!!!!!
I’ve got my finger on the trigger here in the UK for 8 #1’s (with an option for 12 if I want), but not sure if I should pull the trigger just yet!
Any advice????????
Hmmmmmm…….sold out at all of the big outlets is the key!
There were three copies on there last night when I posted it. They were quickly snatched up……
Yep, that’s what I figured!
I’m in!
I grabbed those 8 copies of #1 from my European source!
Lets see what happens!
Good shout as always!
None at:
BTW Metropolis comics is a great spot to find ‘HTF’ books!
Just felt like sharing with the community this morning!
The publisher still has em!
Thanks Kevin
I picked up a few to flip myself. I flipped through one at one LCBS and it’s just not my style.
ALL, if you were wondering if the Dredd Underbelly One-Shot was moving here in the UK, well, I just sold my one copy (I ordered 12 from my European source, but he emailed and said he could only get one…..dangit) today for:
31.99 GBP ($53.12)!!!!!!!! I had it up at 38.99 GBP for a few days, and had 140 viewings, but it just wouldn’t go, so I dropped my price to 31.99 GBP, and bam, SOLD in 1 day!!!!!!!!
And to be honest, since I was one of three sellers that were first to market (listed on EBAY) I just grabbed 38.99 GBP from the air…just as a joke to myself really. I knew it may take a few days for the entire market to adjust, and true prices would be determined, but then I saw a few sell for 25 GBP really early, so I knew I was in the ball park.
I bought my copy for 5 Euros ($6.80) and sold it for $53.12 (that’s + $46.32 from 1 sale)…as a Comic Flipper, I LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!
Keep tweaking your listings folks…if it ain’t selling, there’s something wrong with your listing…don’t waist time!
Obviously, I wish my supplier would have come through with the 12 that I wanted, but hey ho, I’ll take the cash from the 1 book!
Will Underbelly keep going up in price????? Who knows, but if someone could calculate what % of pure gain that is, I’d appreciate it!
I sort of feel bad that I don’t have any Dredd’s left, and if they climb to $100 a copy, I’ll be a bit miffed, but that’s the game folks…
I sold my four copies, each time, in less than a day. All four copies sold over seas.
Man, I knew Dredd was HOT over here, and I tried to corner the market, but just couldn’t get the stock for the right initial investment!
Good job to you man…INTERNATIONAL EBAYER…….NICE RING TO IT!!!!!!