found an interesting tidbit at Bludhaven Banter about the possibility of the major villain for the Flash CW spin off show.
from Bludhaven Banter:
Alright, here’s the scoop. In pilot episode for The Flash, there is a character called “Detective Eddie Thawne” which sounds a lot like Eobard Thawne, the name of Professor Zoom. Now, that’s not a lot to go on, so I did some additional digging and it turns out that he may very well become the villain we all know and love. The description for the character states that he is “leading man handsome” (late 20s-early/mid 30s) and has recently transferred to Central City Police Department from Keystone. Thawne is set to be loved within the precinct and takes the credit for a lot of things that Barry can’t. (We assume this’ll mean he takes credit for some of The Flash’s work, but that’s just speculation on our part). However, the most intriguing part about this character is that his past will be a complete mystery. No one knows where he comes from, and he “harbors a dark secret”. That does sound very ambiguous, but as a comic fan, it’s easy to put one-and-one together to make two.
Yes, it does sound a lot like Professor Zoom could be the ongoing villain, or at least lead up to him, on the Flash show.
They add:
Here’s some speculation on our part. The mysterious past is because Thawne is a time-traveller from the future and was probably trapped here. He then creates a 21st century name (Eddie Thawne) and works hard to become a police detective. Perhaps we may be seeing some dark teases within the show; much like how the Flashpoint comic teased Thawne’s appearance throughout by blazing lines of dialogue and blurs.
Just this month we posted a bit on if The Flash will use time-travel, and it looks like our theory is becoming more true by the day.
The first Professor Zoom appears in Flash #139, which is already a pricey book. However, copies of his second appearance, Flash #147 can be had fairly cheap. Also, might want to look at other Professor Zoom Appearances
including Flash #197 2nd series
which is a Professor Zoom Origin story.