The The Hollywood Reporter has announced that Jason Aaron’s Scalped, from Vertigo, has been optioned for TV.
Scapled is described as a crime noir set on a Native American reservation. Banshee’s Doug Jung will pen the script and executive produce the Warner Horizon Television drama.
Of course, with announcements come price hikes, Scalped #1 is no different. There are only a couple on eBay, starting at $7.99. There is one on Amazon, listed at $99.99 (pass). There is an interesting listing for a 9.2 Scalped: Indian Country TPB Volume #1 Graded Comic 9.2
up for sale.
Needless to say, if you have them, now might not be a bad time to sell a copy as there are only a few up.
Put mine up and in 3 hrs it sold for $130
Seems there is no longer a “few” listed.. news breaks, eBay erupts.. the marketplace just got flooded with Scalped #1’s 😉
Well, seems some of the newly listed are the variant “what’s next” editions..
There were a ton of them on last night.
Yup. Last night there were three on eBay going for $7.50 at auction and some buy it nows asking $99.99. The push to market usually comes pretty quick as people have been waiting for this announcement. This was a strong guess from a lot of people on message boards after the “there will be more Vertigo announcements” following iZombie’s tv announcement.
Can’t remember if someone mentioned this but DMZ #14 features a Scalped #1 preview which predates Scalped so wouldn’t this be Dash Bad Horse’s 1st appearance?
I do not think I had heard that anywhere before. But yes, that would make sense.