Comics picks of the week for delivery 4/23/14

Each week hundreds of books are released, each one with potential. We go over the listings and pick the ones we think has the best shot of heating up. Here are this weeks picks.

This is a great week. We have been looking forward to it for a while. Mostly because…..
The one with the big payoff:
The Walking Dead #126 The end of All Out War. Who lives, who dies, what happens to our favorite survivors? This book is already sold out.
The one with the media tie-in:
24 #1 This book has been sold out for weeks. A new 24 tv show is coming out. Timing is right on this one.
The on-going with a media deal:
Bunker #3 Books keep selling out. Has a built in media deal from before the series even started.
Other ones to keep an eye out on:
Sovereign #2– Book off to a good start, needs a chance to simmer
Zero #7 Love this book. Tv deal hinted at.
Well that’s it for us this week. Let us know what you are spec-ing on.

17 thoughts on “Comics picks of the week for delivery 4/23/14”

  1. I hope Sovereign picks up steam cause #1 isn’t selling for more than cover yet…

  2. Soverign wasn’t for me apparently. I started thinking about other things and flipping pages without reading towards the end of the first one…

    1. I didn’t think it was that bad. I wouldn’t say that it is at the level of “that certain other Image book in which the writer went on-line to rant about people not picking up the book even though it was an Image #1”

    2. (Umbral) in case you didn’t catch the reference. I picked it up for three issues and then had to drop it as it was so bad. Sometimes I hate being behind on my reading and not knowing something is not to my liking.

      1. Heh, I’ve made it a habit to make sure I read every pickup before the next Wednesday. If for some reason I have a #1 and I haven’t read it before #2 comes out, I won’t pick up #2 until I’ve read #1. I don’t watch much TV and my Marvel pickups are easy to read since most come with a digital code and I catch up with those while at work during lunch breaks and such. 🙂

      2. I couldn’t get into Umbral either. Rat Queens (one of my favorite books) and now the Witcher have been scratching my fantasy itch lately. Looking forward to reading Witcher 2 tonight.

      3. I’m loving Rat Queens, awesome book, awesome art, awesome writing. I love Peter Panzerfaust as well from Kurtis.. he puts some quality thought and work into his comics thus far..

    3. Yeah, same here… I passed on #2 this week, if I couldn’t finish #1, I’m not gonna even attempt at #2.

  3. Vamplets undead pet society #1 looks like a ghostly version of MLP… Sold out though

  4. I know a book that completely surprised me this week was Elektra. The story was pretty solid and the art was amazing. This could be a sleeper series if they keep it up. I can’t imagine the print run was that high.

    1. Agreed, loved the art. I am liking that we have a couple quality books with female leads… Ms Marvel is doing interesting stuff, Black widow is great and now Elektra.

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