Cleaning up things a bit tonight and ran across this, which was supposed to run 3/20/14. A little late, but looks ahead at the next Captain America Movie after Winter Soldier.
A lot of the books tied in with the new Captain America Winter Soldier movie have priced themselves out of most speculators price range. However Bleeding Cool ran an interesting story tonight.
Pressed for something newsy about that third picture, McFeely offered up just a hint of the comics they’re looking to draw some elements from. He wouldn’t name names or number numbers, but he might as well have:
All I’m saying is psychotic 1950s Cap.
They go on to say that this quote could be in reference to William Burnside, a crazy guy who assumed the role of Captain America for a while.
Now, his first appearance in Young Men #25, is also probably out of reach for most collectors, but his appearance as the Grand Director in Captain America #231 could be a good spec. Another place to look for Burnside is in the 2005 Captain America series in issues #7
, #36
37,38,39,40. The 7th issue in the series is of course directly after the first appearance of Bucky as the Winter Soldier, and the later issues are still in the story line where Bucky assume the mantle of Cap.
The full article can be found here.
I was never a big Captain America fan as a kid but when I started reading Brubaker’s Cap, he’s started becoming one of my favorites in the Marvel Universe.. Remender has done a decent job as well, but not as good as Brubaker has thus far.
I stopped reading after Brubaker. Thinking of selling my run
Yeah, I don’t buy the currents myself, I wait until they show up on my Marvel Unlimited to catch up with..
I believe Burnside is in issue 4 too.
Thanks Topher!
Captain America 153-155 have appearances of William Burnside as cap as well. Total comics mayhem wrote an article about this last week:
i found that I had posted the article back on 3/20/14.
Whoops. I’ve been picking up cap 25 & 34 on the cheap. Also. Anything with crossbones.
Good Choice. I thought I missed posting this as it was a draft and went back over it when I was less sleepy (I have two kids I rarely am less sleepy)
Issue 34 is def undervalued, first Bucky as Cap. With a nine picture deal it looks like he’s going to become Cap on film. If that happens issue 34 should be highly valued, especially the DF variant which is very hard to find.