Each week, hundreds of new books hit the shops. Each book has potential, some live up to that potential. Each we we spotlight the books we think will heat up. Here is our picks of the week for delivery 6/25/14:
The On-going Favorite:
Saga #20</a- Saga keeps picking up steam and more readers.
The Follow up Issues:
Invincible #112</a- Both Invincible 110 and 111 sold out and shot up in value. The shock value alone has been worth the price of admission. Cannot wait to see what Kirkman has lined up this month.
C.O.W.L. #2– Already sold out going into Wednesday. First issue also sold out. This book has gotten a lot of positive attention.
The Outside Chance:
Mighty Titan #1– New books from small publishers often have tiny print runs and can get picked up and ran with.
The Small Press Gem:
Brass Sun #2 (Of 6)– First issue sold out quickly and rose in value. Second issues usually have a smaller print run. This one is sold out going into Wednesday. A must pick up.
The One Everyone is Getting Anyway:
Outcast By Kirkman And Azaceta #1– New Kirkman book with a media deal already lined up. Sold out going into Wednesday. Winner!
That’s it for us this week. Let us know what you are spec-ing on this week
29 thoughts on “Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 6/25/14”
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My picks are Brass Sun #2 and Adventures of Superman #14. Both are already sold out and not available at most online retailers.
Brass sun is going to be a winner. Superman 14, I never do well with modern DC so I am going to stay away for now.
I’m only grabbing the Adventures of Superman #14 to hold onto for now. I think since it’s the Joker, Batman fans (like myself) are grabbing this issue when they normally don’t buy Superman, so it’s going to make it harder to come by.
Is Brass Sun worth starting?
Yes it is. Great first issue, very Euro-comic feel.
I recommend it. It’s unique and is worth the $3.99. 🙂
Bubblegum and Secret wars are two others I’m getting
Outcast is my heavy bet this week.
It’s going to be so easy to get though. I don’t think people are going to be flipping this one for much profit, not yet at least. It’s going to be one of those, hold on, wait and see type of deals I think.
The two shops I visited had stacks and stacks of Outcast. I only picked up two just to hold onto.
It has outsold walking dead.
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Yup, huge print run. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s around the 100k mark or higher.
Plenty of Outcast at my store. Only one AoS #14 though, and I got it. Surprisingly, zero Wolverine. Apparently everyone went heavy on this book for the Death of Wolverine story arch. I don’t remember the last time a Wolverine book was already gone when the shop opened. Plenty of Secret Wars (I passed).
That’s funny on the wolverine. I am on my way to my local comic shop to pick up books in 10 minutes. Hope they have AoS 14.
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Yeah, both shops I visited had about handful of AoS 14, they’re likely gone at this point. I picked up one more (the other one I ordered online from mycomicshop just in case there were none at the local shops this morning).
One shop had no Brass Sun, the other one had 3 available.
I lost all desire to read Wolverine, didn’t even bother checking for it at either store.
My big LCS had four copies but were getting 76 more in tomorrow. Reorders. This will sell out quick.
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Did you find AOS 14?
Yes I did.
My LCS had four. I got one. They reordered more to come in tomorrow. Nice living close to Diamond.
Anyone have thoughts on 64-Bit Zombie #1 from Antarctic Press?
Low print run and Nintendo box shaped cover may draw people in.
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I passed up myself after I saw one shop still had a stack of the 32-Bit Zombies on their shelf..
Well, i can’t make it to the LCS today, so I ordered 4 AoS 14’s online. I think the Jock joker cover and the small print run (only 10k last month!) could mean demand later.
I can’t find AoS 14 anywhere, and it seems to be going for >$10 on the secondary market already!?
Nice. I got a copy and my LCS has 75 more coming in. I can check another shop too if you need one.
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It goes deeper than that. I will explain more tonight on my update. But this could be the sleeper of the week.
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Dat COWL #2 cover.
I passed it up today as I already had 21 new releases to buy. It’s in my list for going back for.
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I only picked this one up in hopes #2 convinces me to buy #3. I almost didn’t pick it up though, #1 just didn’t get me excited in wanting to read #2 but I gave it a shot anyways. The sexy silhouettes for the cover, if they have to do skimpy sex covers to sell their comic, they probably already lost me and I just threw away $3.50.. 😉