Valiant's Archer and Armstrong fast tracked for movie

Ambush Bug at Ain’t it Cool News is reporting that the popular Valiant comic book series Archer and Armstrong is being developed for a movie.

He is reporting that the book is being fast tracked into development. AB stated that a script has been written and Valiant loves it.
The Movie is following the recent relaunch of Archer and Armstrong by Fred Van Lente.
Copies of Archer and Armstrong #1 (2012) can be found really cheap on Ebay, as Valiant does have a rabid fan base, it may not be a bad idea to secure a copy or two if the AIC rumor is 100# accurate.

7 thoughts on “Valiant's Archer and Armstrong fast tracked for movie”

  1. Books to get: Archer and Armstrong 0 Gold ( first appearance ), Archer and Armstrong vol 2 issue 1, Gold and any variants ( first appearance of the 1% ) Solar Man of the Atom 10,11 ( First Eternal Warrior )

  2. Just got five copies of the number 1 at my LCS. One original from the nineties, 3 variants of the new series and one regular cover of the new series. $20 bucks.

  3. I am surprised at how many valiant titles are going for cheap. Not just the 90’s series but from the relaunch as well. I hope after these movies more people will be introduced into the valiant universe. They really are a great series to collect and read.

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