Comics Heating Up 200th Like Facebook Contest

As promised on our facebook site,, I am running a little contest for a free signed copy of Spread #1 Third Eye Variant.
All you have to do is comment with your name below. A name will be drawn at random (using CBSI Google+ community’s razz format) via
Even though this is in honor of our 200th like on facebook it will be run here, on, proper. Winner will be announced Thursday night and book will ship out Friday.
1. You must comment below with your name.
2. Winner announced Thursday night around 11 PM Eastern Time. Winner’s name will be posted on and will have 24 hours to contact us with their shipping details before the next name is drawn.
3. Open to everybody, US winner will have free postage, International winner will have to cover actual postage
4. Please do not comment on the facebook page with your name, just in the message section here.

117 thoughts on “Comics Heating Up 200th Like Facebook Contest”

  1. Yay 200 likes. (Don’t put me in the drawing, I’m just expressing my yays). 🙂

      1. even then drew you only take what you are interested in
        you dont load up 1 per family member of 1 of each covers.

      2. Tis is true. If they say 10 comics per family, I keep it at 10. My usual store is smaller so they usually have limits and I respect that.
        I go down the street to the larger commercial retailer and they usually have all the free comics along and try to tell everyone to leave it at one each but most people will grab a few. That’s where I get all the ones I want and doubles of the ones I picked up at the previous store.

      1. He is. Also Shima is a great guy too. Don’t tell anyone though. Seriously glad for the regulars. Glad for the lurkers. Glad that I am seeing names today of people who visit the site and never comment. I had a guy come up to me at the Spread signing this weekend. He handed me his phone which was open to and asked me if I was me. I was floored that people recognize me. This is the second time it had happened. Comic lord was the first.

      2. I already bought both variants from Anthony, rather someone else get a chance to snag one.

    1. I’ve been using the site for about a year & its really dead on for most of the predictions thanks for running a cool contest like this. And keep up the good work.

  2. Alan Hom. You’ve got a great site here with really good analysis. I hope you sleep and do something other than comics when you’re not thinking about comics.

        1. Haha, that comment totally reminded me of the Dos Equis guy to create a meme.. 🙂

    1. I’m definitely hooked. I just came across this site yesterday and i am sad that ive been missing out on all of your tips. Thanks for being crucial to my collection!

  3. Michael Croese- Love your site, check it daily. Made off pretty good with Outliers!

      1. Same here. I bought 3 and got them for $5 each. Sold one for $40, still have the other 2 since I made my money back + some.

      2. I sold all 5 of mine for 25-32 dollars the signed sketch one for 125 not to bad :0

    1. oh i didn’t mean anything by this btw just people coming out of the woodworks lol.
      keep up the good work big T rex

  4. Hey everyone just wanted to say that this website is very cool. You get a lot of info on all of the new books that are coming out. Helps you find what suits you. If you have any questions, you can get fast and accurate answers. Thanks comics heating up!!!

  5. Dan Wozniak
    This is an excellent site with great tips and well written articles. Keep them coming!

  6. Now if you could get half these people to post on a semi-regular basis that would be AWESOME!!!

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