Each week hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, each one with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we feel will heat up each week. Here is out comics picks of the week for delivery 9/3/14:
THE pick of the week:
God Hates Astronauts #1– Ryan Browne’s quirky humor series starts at Image. With a reported print run of 15,500 copies, including a kick butt Youngblood homage in the form of the Phantom Variant and a Chew homage in the form of the Acme Variant
, this will be the one to watch. Add in it is already sold out and going to a second print, and this one seems like the weeks winner.
The small press pick of the week:
Cloaks #1– It is not the smallest book of the week, but among the smaller publishers, this is the one with the most buzz this week.
In the Big Apple, a highly skilled street illusionist named Adam blows the minds of crowds with logicdefying acts, while surreptitiously using his artistry to steal from corrupt Wall Street investment bankers and redistribute their illbegotten wealth to those in need. He’s a modernday Robin Hood, but his travails garner the attention of the local authorities. While evading their pursuit, Adam is confronted by three suits and quickly ascertains that freedom has a cost-in order to maintain his liberty, he must join this clandestine Black Ops organization simply known as CLOAKS.
The one with the media tie in:
Alice Cooper #1– Normally we talk media tie in we mean a movie or tv show deal. Here we have a new book based on the stage persona of a legend of Rock and Roll. Music comics can be hit or miss, but this one looks to be done in the vein of the previous Marvel book, featuring an awesome cover by David Mack.
The random Marvel one:
Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #0– There is no denying how many Deadpool fans there are. While he appears on more covers than Wolverine does anymore, and has a ton of appearances, including his own series, the mini-series have been hits and have performed well. Do not expect this one to do any different. Plus, will draw in the Hawkeye fans, and yeah, they are out there too.
The Vertigo is back one:
Names #1– Vertigo, was at one point, the top when it came to creator owned books. They fell out of favor for a while with their new stuff, but are roaring back. Names features classic Vertigo creator Peter Milligan back in the saddle.
New York City. Forty-year-old Kevin Walker is a successful trader. He’s incredibly rich. He has a young, sexy wife and a son he adores. He has everything. Until… The mysterious man known as the Surgeon walks into Kevin’s office. He takes a seat and tells Kevin to write a suicide note. Trembling but obedient, Kevin does what the Surgeon says. Then, at a word from this well-dressed figure, Kevin jumps out his window and falls fifty stories to his death.
The because I say so one:
Grendel Vs. Shadow– Matt Wagner’s classic villain returns to battle a pulp icon (Wagner has also worked on). Simply put, I love Grendel and will do anything to promote the character (including an old ill advised Grendel tattoo I sport, not my best idea ever.) If you haven’t read Grendel, this is the return of the classic character, Hunter Rose, the first Grendel.
The “I also have to mention” one:
DC’s 3-D covers All of he books are already sold out. Not expecting shortages like last time, but retailers may have skipped these over completely in light of the last experience. Worth checking out the bigger characters. Hope they are done better (interior quality not exterior art.)
That is it for us this week, let us know what book you are spec-ing on.
God Hates Astronauts is the winner this week I think.
Names looks interesting if done right.
Cloaks is a maybe, I’ll have to skim it first.
Alice Cooper is going to target a very specific audience so I predict it’s going to be a miss. I’m passing myself, I was never a fan so I have zero desire to read a comic about him.
Not sure Alice Cooper is so much about him as his lord of nightmares persona.
The only thing I know about him now is his recent vocals about being born again Christian.. I’ll still be passing most likely.. 😉
Didn’t know about the Christian stuff. He is getting older.
Oh and they should have named it “Lord of Nightmares” instead of Alice Cooper.. probably would attract a wider audience instead of banking on his more well known name.
FYI, you can still get God Hates Astronauts for cover directly from Acme’s website. 😉
The Chew homage variant that is.
The original artwork for GHA is available, as is the Chew homage. Through Cadence, can be found on Ryans tweets.
Would be nice but totally out of my budget for now.