New Tim Daniel Series, Burning Fields, on horizon

With the success of Enormous under his belt, a new Tim Daniel series ‘Burning Fields’ has been announced and is one to watch for. Tim Daniel said it was one he is very proud of.
Tim Daniel and Michael Moreci, who worked together on the Werewolf story, Curse from Boom (A previous pick of the week, and must read) are teaming up to bring the new book ‘Burning Fields’. Riley Rossmo, one of my favorite artists will also be working on the book too. Bloody Disgusting ran an interview with the two today talking about the book. Described as a geopolitical drama with a monster mythos, ‘Zero Dark Thirty meets The Thing’.
This book is definitely one to keep on the radar as Moreci’s Hoax Hunter had been optioned, and Daniel’s Enormous has the web-short (which I am sure is going to turn into something more.)

The story follows Dana Atkinson, a dishonorably discharged army investigator, who is pulled back to the Middle East when a group of American oil technicians disappear under bizarre circumstances. With the help of an Iraqi investigator, what Dana discovers is unimaginable: a series of unusual incidents at the drill site lead her and her unlikely ally to discover a mythic evil that has been released, one that threatens both the lives of the entire region and the fragile peace that exists.

The full interview can be read here.

7 thoughts on “New Tim Daniel Series, Burning Fields, on horizon”

  1. So I understand diamond keeps pushing the release of the most recent enormous but is there only going to be 5 issues? I’m not seeing it in the newest previews.

    1. I love the Spread but think this is taking a different direction than a survivor story. I see Spread as a Walking Dead type book where the threat exists but it’s about the characters but this is a bigger picture story. How the world reacts to the threat as a whole.

  2. I’m really excited for this one. The plot sounds cool and I really admire the way Tim writes female characters as being rightfully empowered. Much like Lara Craft, his females are exactly the opposite of a damsel in distress. They kick butt! Kudos!

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