Wednesday Open Forum

Continuing the conversation. What a day of news huh?
So to get the ball rolling this week, which Marvel Announcement for movie are you most looking forward to?
Also, post your pick ups this week.
Finally, TFAW is doing a 70% clearance sale and has a ton of great stuff. Just got done ordering a bunch of reads. It is really worth looking over.

38 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Forum”

  1. The Black Panther news was the tops for me.
    Looking forward to Rasputin, as well as Saga and Southern Bastards. Also will be picking up Face Value #2. Slow week for me playing catch up on reads and dropping several titles. Dropped Wool and And Then Emily Was Gone last issue so I’m skipping those. No flip action for me today.

  2. It’s a slow week for me too. My expected pickups are:
    Black Science #10 (Just good Sci fi)
    Low #4 (Things are getting interesting now)
    Saga #24 (Come on, I don’t need to explain this one)
    Southern Bastards #5 (Good ol boy reading)
    GuardiansOTG #20 (It’s good, I swear)
    Wool #5 (Things getting interesting with this one as well)
    Bunker #7 (Slow moving, character story build up makes this one a pickup each time)
    Brass Sun #6 (The final issue in the mini series)
    Looking forward to Black Panther as well out of the movie announcements along with Civil War story line.

    1. I also picked up another Sheltered #1 (all the others one shop had had a nasty spine crease stress mark on them). Also picked up one Rasputin as well. I usually pick up Image #1’s for the most part, not all but ongoing issues I usually do.

  3. last night was an amazing nerd-gasm πŸ™‚
    Picked up loads of sets of Infinity Wars & Civil War
    Managed to flip a set of Infinity Wars within few hours for $85!!!!!
    I saw the leaked teaser for Infinity War & was just WOW Thanos & the Gauntlet πŸ™‚

  4. I’m not really into capes and tights, so I might be alone in this, but I didn’t get too excited about all the movie news… I was waiting for your standard Tuesday posts to show up (had to wait til this morning lol)

  5. i have no idea how rare it its but my store was selling Rasputin #1 ra-ra variant at cover price, can’t find any for sale on Ebay so i got 6 or 7 copies, going to list them on Ebay now and see what happens, if anybody has any idea if this variants are really rare hit me up, thanks πŸ™‚

      1. Damn I just listed them all on eBay for $25 each with free shipping, it should take a couple minutes to show, I’m keeping 2 for me to send them to CGC

  6. I’m not too sure how rare the Ra Ra variant is. Yet if the series isn’t getting much heat it won’t hold long term. Not a good sign when the other covers are available in bulk for less already.

    1. True but who’s selling it? Two of my local shops weren’t selling it and I’m surprised Midtown didn’t have it listed for sale either.

    1. Yeah, that’s what keeps me from buying from Canada. The shipping isn’t worth it most of the time. Bummer!

  7. I picked up:
    Bob’s Burgers #3
    Cutter #4
    Dark Gods (too many covers)
    Enormous #1 Cover C (in stock on Midtown this morning)
    Face Value 2
    Godkiller (Beach Ball Comics variant)
    Harley Quinn 4:20 annual
    Last Born 2 (I liked 1 ok)
    Low #4
    Rasputin (cover B – I debated, but pulled the trigger on it)
    Roche Limit 2 (liked 1 better than I thought I would)
    Rot and Ruin Cover D (not pictured on Midtown where I bought it, but doesn’t appear to be very different based on the one I saw at the local shop)
    Saga 24 (started buying this several issues back, but haven’t read any yet)
    Sundowners 3 (wasn’t sure how I felt about #1, haven’t read #2 yet and probably shouldn’t have bought #3, but I had a coupon from Saturday’s event, so what the hell)
    Tales of Mr Rhee Karmageddon 2 (still need to read #1)
    TMNT/Ghostbusters – wish I had bought it last week
    Wayward #3 (both covers plus #1 Cover E, 2nd print)
    Wool 5
    I really need to cut back or sell more…

    1. I also got a killer Walking Dead commission done on Saturday by local artist Brian Atkins (Robert Atkins brother)… not sure how to post a picture

      1. ?oh=3a0ffe1a6d07d1ba53c89bf9c653ed1c&oe=54DC5603&__gda__=1424470630_0744339d12595c6bb4e58b79c82653a1

      1. I enjoyed Cutter ok, nice twist in #4, but I’m not sure about that ending…
        Jjust read Dark Gods and I thought it was cool..

      2. I agree as well about Rasputin. The art was really good in Rasputin but I sort of wanted a little more dialog/narrative during the story telling. It was still enough for me to pick up #2 to see where it’s going.

      1. Seriously one of the best walking dead commissions I’ve seen, definitely one of my favorites. Congrats!

      2. I posted this in the wrong spot, but I’m glad you can see it… I thought it was better than a lot of the ones I’ve seen on ebay… I call it Stub Punch! Here’s more info on the artist: He said he had never done anything Walking Dead before…

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